Better Than The Movies

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The next day I was packing up and cleaning my hotel since I would be leaving in a few days to go back and appear at the premiere of my new movie.

As I was finishing folding some of my clothes into my suitcase there was a knock on my door.

When I open the door I'm greeted with a book bouquet and a smiling Jack behind.

I gasp as I let him in.

"Jack this is amazing," I tell him as I grab the bouquet from him and he sits on my bed.

"It's nothing I just picked whatever books I could remember you wanting" he sheepishly says as he rubs the back of his neck to distract the attention to his reddening face.

"Im serious this is the best" I whisper as I go sit next to him.

"Im serious too, I want this to work," he tells me.

As I look through the book I can't help but laugh noticing one.

"You know a lot of people want you to play the lead male in this book" I smirk at him as I show him the Better Than The Movies book.

"I know that's why I got it for you since you know your so obsessed with me" he jokes while nudging me.

I laugh at him nudging him back but then getting up to put the bouquet away.

"So what are their plans for today," I say turning my attention back to him.

However, I obviously caught him off guard since when I turn I noticed that he had been checking me out.

"OH uh I was thinking that we could just go walk around, since I wasn't really sure if there was anything specific you would like, and then go to dinner tonight," he says.

I can see the sought on his face that I might not like his plan.

I walk up to him, step in between his legs place a kiss n his forehead and say "I love it" staring into his eyes.


I couldn't tell you how we ended up here. 

First, we were just walking around the place with a bunch of stores and parks, but we ended up in a pottery factory.

so now I'm basically in torture having to try and focus on making a soup bowl while having the view of Jack and his muscles working on his own project.

"Stop staring" Jack mumbles sticking his tongue out and making sure whatever it is he is working on is good.

"I wasn't"

"You were"

"No, I wasn't"

"Yes you were"

This went on a few times when all of a sudden I feel a wet substance splashed on me.

I gasp as I look up to see Jack look like he is regretting his life choices.

"Im so sorry-" I cut him off by smashing his project.

Now it's his time to gasp as if I killed his cat.

"You bitch" he says, obviously acting dramatic as he tries not to laugh.

"Shut up I couldn't even tell what you were trying to make," I say rolling my eyes.

"Uh it was gonna be a vase for our future house, which you ruined thank you very much"

At that point, I couldn't take it anymore and lost it and started laughing which caused Jack to follow.


After a whole day of going to the park, having ice cream, and shopping we picked up our pottery from the shop to take to the hotel while we get ready for dinner.

I was very surprised when Jack asked to get ready with me in my hotel room, but he explained how it's 'a look into our future when we're married' and I could argue with that.

Thats why at the moment I was finishing my makeup, Jack sitting next to me asking about every little thing.

Later on, after finishing my make-up I had gone to the restroom to change into my little dress while Jack dressed in a nice shirt and pants in the room.

After making sure that he was finished being dressed I step out of the bathroom holding my dress up since it went around my neck but I couldn't reach the back.

"Can you help me?" I ask picking my head out.

Of course, he had to pull out his irresistible smile "Yeah"

After he finished zipping it up he kissed the back of my neck since I had been holding my hair up.

I turn around in his arms.

I notice him looking at my eyes and lips. Just to get on his nerves I lean in real close make eye contact and say "I don't kiss on the first date" I laugh as I step away.

However, he grabs my hand and twirls me to him grabbing the back of my head and pulling my lips to him.

I can't get myself to be anoyed because I had been wanting this too.

As we pull away I open my eyes before him and am able to catch their image of him smiling with his eyes closed.

"Come on Champion can't be late to our dinner," I say rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"Of course Mrs.Champion" he winks at me and leaves holding the door open not giving me enough time to speak.

As we step out he whispers to me "You look gorgeous"


We had been sitting at this nice restaurant for a while. We had a nice waiter and had been waiting for our food for a while.

We were sitting in a nice area so we would be less likely t be recognized.

The whole dinner had gone better than I could have imagined. It of course consisted of great food, laughs, and I would say, love.

There was no denying that we knew we loved each other. It was just a matter of time to see if he deserved to again.

we had decided to have a little sleepover and watch movies and junk food like old times.

I had just brought popcorn and had the candy on the bed. I laid down on the bed next to Jack who was wearing sweatpants and a tank top, and I was wearing shorts and an oversized shirt.

Halfway through the movie, I noticed that Jack wasn't paying attention to the movie.

"What's up?"

He sighs and pauses the movie to focus on me.

"I know it's early. and it's okay if you say no because no matter what I will still work for you and work for us but I need to know the answer right now"

I turn to look at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


In other stories, I'm the type of person to think they had to work more but I literally don't know what to do now that I'm the one writing this.

Tell your ideas if he should do more and what he should do.

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now