Champion Family

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A few days later we appeared on another plane in order to reach Virginia. I was especially excited to meet Jack's cat, Butters, which I had never gotten to meet yet.

Again to just have a day to rest we planned to fly in a day earlier than we were to meet everyone. So when we arrived at Jack's apartment, after he had paid the pet sitter he hired, I was able to meet Butters. 

When I walked in he immediately went for Jack, obviously not being able to see him for a while. When Jack picked him up he turned to me and started to introduce her to me.

"Hello buddy, haven't seen you for so long" and then proceeded to give him a few kisses. Then when he noticed me Jack introduces us "Meg meet Butters. Butters meet your mom, Meg" and then proceeded to walk into the house as if he just said the most casual thing.

And though of course, it would be nothing to others. It was a big thing for me. Because this meant we were moving forward into our relationship. By calling me Butters mom, we were essentially taking care of something together.

I followed Jack into his home after getting over my shock.


With Jack's excitement staying in didn't last for long. He was so excited to show me around his home I couldn't say no. Not that I would have originally.

As we were walking down to sidewalk there were a bunch of people surrounding us. and since they were more in the teenage range Jack and I knew it probably wouldn't be the safest thing to act all affectionate in public.

I could tell it was affecting Jack more than me. Jack is a very loving person, touchy, and affectionate. So it was hard to not grab his hand when I could see his hands getting fidgety knowing we weren't allowed to be in contact.

It was a good thing though because the next thing that we knew a few teen girls ran up to us asking for pictures and autographs.

I also thought it was quite funny when I heard the conversation between Jack and now of the other girls.

"Jack I just wanted to say that I think you are very handsome" She couldn't be more than 15 or 16. I thought it was quite cute and commented and I found it very adorable when I saw she was blushing.

And though some people might believe that I should be uncomfortable or jealous I couldn't be. I could tell the girl didn't have any ill-meaning and she was saying it genuinely. I also thought it was cuter when I noticed that Jack had started blushing while signing her book of autographs.

It wasn't long before we were stopped by a group of teenage boys. However thing time they were closer to our age.

I was quite su[raised when they all surrounded me. There were very many maybe 4, but I thought that they would lean towards Jack. I originally didn't have any ill thoughts as they were very polite. However, I didn't start to become uncomfortable when some of them started to make uncomfortable comments.

"Hwy Meg just wanted to let you know that I think you are very hot and we should go on a date"

"Hey Meg I think we would get along very well, in more ways than one if you know what I mean"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. These kids were hitting on my Meg. The one who is obviously uncomfortable, and they are not stopping. I of course have to do something about this. Obviously would have to be careful as to not expose ourselves but at this point, I don't care.

I was never a very rude or demanding person however they were directing Meg, the girl I love, in front of me.

I gently grab the papers out of Meg's hands that she was signing and roughly push them into the boy's hands.

"Hey, whats your problem?!"

"My problem? sorry that u don't find it okay that you are practically assaulting her with your words. So sorry that I'm trying to protect my friends from your disgusting human beings". I hear the boys scoff as I grab Meg and drag her away.

I could tell that her social battery had been drained. So I decided to walk back home. I could also tell that she wasn't in the mood to tap now so we walked in silence.


When we reached the house I pull Meg to the couch.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her. Obviously, it was a dumb question but I wanted to get a feel for how she is at the moment.

"Yeah. I was just kinda shocked but I think I'm fine now" she smiles at me. "Thank you for protecting me, by the way".

"Of course what type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help my girlfriend" I smile at her.

I admire the beautiful girl next to me before I lean in for a kiss.


Fortunately, Meg wasn't as anxious to meet my family. Probably due to hearing only good things from Trinity. So the only thing going on in the car as I drove us to my family house was blasting One Direction.

I mentioned to Meg how excited and happy my family was as I never had a girlfriend before. Meg was quite shocked to hear that she was my first serious girlfriend, but I think she was also secretly pleased.

As the door to my house opened I was expecting to be bombarded by my parents. However, that was not the case, because as soon as the door opened Meg was pulled into my mom's arms and was dragged into the house.

Safe to say the instructions went very well and everyone loved Meg.

However, I noticed that my little cousin who was 5, Ethan, had gained a little crush on her. I honestly thought it was super funny when I went to hug Meg and he got mad.

But the best thing that happened was when my cousin brought her baby girl over to us. Meg had offered to watch her for a while. The two had an immediate connection and I left them for a little in order to talk to my family for a little.

"Jack, I love her, please tell me that she is the one" my mom begs me.

I cant help but let out a little laugh when the rest of my family agrees "Yes Mom I'm pretty sure she's the one" I say as I walk out.


It was quite a few hours later when Meg and I decided to head back to my place.

After we got ready I decided to just sleep in sweatpants, and Meg with some shorts and a shirt of mine. I was just admiring her being cuddled into my chest when I'm shocked by her words.

"I think I have baby fever" she admits.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Yes," she joins laughing.

"How many kids do you want when we get married?" I ask.

"When??" Meg smirks. "You sound confident" she replies.

I smirk at her as I say "Well I don't plan on letting you go any time soon".

I smile at my accomplishment to make her shy and blush.

"Well I think the most I would do is 5, but even then I think that might be much, but I think that 3 is probably my sweet spot. How about you?" she asks me.

"I want however many you wanna give me"


I WANT ONE. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also thanks to @spiderrxsge for the idea of baby fever I think it was a very good idea to add to this chapter.

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now