CHAPTER 1: New furture

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Kanao pov:

today was like every single day being left out in the cold, hungry and dirty but atlest i had oni-chan with me, me and him where always together, while he was huging me to stop me from feeling cold I saw someone comeing over to us I feared that he would grab one of us and beat us for not doing something right but insted he said " get up you brats we going out to see if both of you can be sold for something" I looked at oni-chan and saw that he was starting to stand up so than I also stood up and holded his hand than the man came closer and tied a rope aound us so we could not escape him when we were out I huged zenitsu as i was scared for what was going to happen to us than i hread him say " its ok kanao we will never be apart as long as we stay together we will be fine" hearing those words made me calm down a bit but I was still scared, than i felt a tug near my waist I look up to see the man making us follow him and so we did.

Zenitsu's pov:

As we followed the man I heard kanaos sounds become more soft and calm but I still hread the fear in her the fear of us probly not being together if we are sold by this man. We were crossing a brige when i hear 2 women comimg close to us from the back so I hold kanaos hand and hope that we both are sold together by these women. I herd them coming colse when the older one said " excuse me sir but what are you doing with these kids😊" the man responde with " trying to sell these brats why?" The older women looked at kanao than at me with a look that was....sad after that the man said that if they dont want to buy us that to leave but than the yonger one looked at him and said " alright sir than will this be enough for both of them" than she thure what looked like 3,000$ to the men than grabed the rope that was tide around us and ran with us in hand..

Thrid person pov

As the girls that had broght zenitsu and kanao ran the man was picking up the many then left the place, while with the girls they had made it to their home and bathed zenitsu and kanao after finding out there name that we kanae kocho and shinobu kocho they than asked them their names and age kanao was shy and scared to answer so zenitsu answered for both of them telling them there first name and last name and after telling them there age ( zenitsu is 6 while kanao is 5 ) after that they had diner but when the plates were in front of them they did not even pick up there chopsticks that was when shinobu told them that they could eat after that kanao was feeling sleepy so was zenitsu so they showed them their room and they fell asleep fast knowing that there would be something diffrent than what they had in the past.

That is the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed this and have great day night or afternoon i have to sleep so byeeee🏀👊🍩😁😭🐷⚡️☀️

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