CHAPTER 4: time together

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⚡️: zenisu
🌸: kanao
🦋: aoi
💐: kanae
💅: shinobu

Couldn't find a better emoji for shinobu so im ganna stick to that one this chapter will be mostly converston witj each other so thats why the emojis are there

Zenitsu pov

After the talk with miss kocho and acepting to become a demon slayer i had 1 week before i had to leave and go some where far from here and leave kanao, talking about her she has been quiet after finding out that i had to leave this place but i think she i sad that i will be far from her although the sound she makes sounds like a void and nothingness like she lost all feelings, i will talk with her later right now i have to go help miss shinobu with some people.

After helping shinobu

Zenitsu and kanao talking

⚡️: kanao are you here

🌸: im here zenitsu

⚡️: ......kanao i want to talk about something about yesterday

🌸: .......ok what is it about

⚡️: kanao im worried about you i know that you don't want me to go away

🌸: ............ i don't want to leave your side thats all... but i also don't want you to forget about me with all your training

⚡️: kanao i can't forget about you your the only family i have but i promise to write to every week

🌸: (starts to cry) promise

⚡️: i promise kanao

Zenitsu than goes to hug her

After a few moments of them huging Zenitsu hears someone coming near them

🦋: kanao, zenitsu can i come in

⚡️sure aoi you can come in

🦋: (walks in seeing kanao crying) kanao what happen are you ok do you need something i'll get you something anything

🌸: it's ok aoi i was just sad that zenitsu was leaving me

🦋:oh it's ok kanao cus i'll be here with you meaning we can train and play together

⚡️: what about me who will make you flower crowns when im gone

🦋: i'll lean how to make them and than i can make one for kanao when your not here

🌸" (gigles) ya and when you get back we will make you the best flower crown you'll ever seen

⚡️: heh i 'll be happy to to get a flower crown feom both of tou when i get back

🦋: ok enough with all of that i want to play something

🌸: yaaa lets play something

⚡️: well how about hide and seek

🌸,🦋" yaa hide and seek"

Zenitsu gigled as he stood up and helped kanao up

All three kids ran outside
And started to play zenitsu started off a seeker and than kanao than aoi and so on

When the sun started to set that was when shinobu called them in to eat dinner

After dinner

⚡️: well what should we do now we can't go outside because lady shinobu said so

🦋: ik and broing in here

🌸: what if we try to bake or cook something

🦋: we cant lady kocho wont let us use the stove

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