CHAPTER 2: new friends

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No pov

When the next day came both zenitsu and kanao woke up and went to go find kanae and shinobu, sense the house was big it was hard to find them zenitsu tried to hear them but insted heard the sound of someone else coming near them zenitsu grabed kanaos hand and pulled her closer as the person came close kanao got more scared but than they saw a girl about the same height as kanao she wore pigtales and had blue sparkly eyes after a while of stareing at each other the girl spoke " who are you and what are your names?" The girl said zenitsu than told them there names still a bit scared " m-my name is z-zenitsu and this i-is my s-sister kanao who are y-you and what your  n-name" said the black haired boy the blue eyed girl than siad " my name is aoi and no need to be scared of me i wont hurt you" zenitsu than hread that she was tellimg the truth and looked at kanao with a look that said the she was not lieing kanao looked at the girl and asked her " w-would you l-like to be firend with us aoi" asked kanao as she was slowly letting go of zenitsu's hand aoi than looed at them with a happy look and loudly and happly said yes " yes i would love to be firends with you guys, than that would mean i dont have to play by my self all day" said aoi zenitsu and kanao were happy to have a friend

Aoi pov

After getting to know the New kids name i became there friend i was soooo happy because i wont have to play alone today than they asked me were lady kanae and lady shinobu were so i showed them when we found them they looked like they had been waiting for us than i saw that there were 3 plates with food than i remembered that i frogot to have breakfest i than looked that the two siblings and saw that they were a bit shy to speak than lady kanae spoke " well you guys are late for breakfest, well what are you waiting for come and join us " said lady kanae while pating a seat i than grab kanaos hand but not fast as to not to scare her and draged her so that she was siting next to me zenitsu follwed and sat on the other side of kanao we than started eating. after having breakfest i asked them what they wanted to play kanao than said " well what if we go outside and play tag " "ya let do that " said zenitsu i also agreed and we went outside to play.

Zenitsu pov

When we got outside it was like a big garden very pretty, aoi than said who would be tje tager i said that would be it and gave them 10s to run around when i got to 10 i than ran to tag them i went for kanao first be she keeped dodging each time i tried to tag her so than so than i went for aoi she was fast be ahe could not dodge
When i tryed to tag her and so she was the tager i than ran from aoi she went for kanao and after of 10 minutes of trying to tag her she did so than kanao was it we played this for about 2 hours and we stoped aoi than showed us a flower graden it was very pretty kanao than sat down a picked a flower she than looked at me so i sat down next to her aoi than followed i knew that kanao wanted a flower crown and so i got ttje flower from her hand and i picked another one and so on soon enough i made the flower crown i than put it on kanaos head she than gives me a small smile aoi than yell " zenitsu zenitsu can you please make me one to but with blue flowers" aoi said exited she said it while holding a blue flower i grad it and start make one when i finshed i gave the flowe crown to her aoi was happy and looked at kanao who had a pink one " kanao look we are now maching " kanao was happy than i herad foot steps coming near us than i see lady shinobu " kid come in side it geting late " we all stood up and went inside we followed lady shinobu into a room where lady kanae was
I heard that she nerves she wanted to tell us something but what.

Hi for the people that read this idk why you would read this but here is chapter 2 hope you liked it have a good day, night or afternoon bye 😁

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