life questions i have

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Sooo these are question i had no my mind soo if anyines know the answer pls tell me

1. So you know how akaza only eats men and not women yaa so i was questioing does the mf eat their private part or does he like just not eat it like tf you do with it same goes to every demon that eats men like tf you do with it?

2. Someone tell me how do you make gyomei wepon like if the shit breaks how do make it and how long does it take to make it

 Someone tell me how do you make gyomei wepon like if the shit breaks how do make it and how long does it take to make it

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Like how do you make a axe and a wercking ball with spiks and how do you deliver it 💀

3. Does douma get money from his cult or does just sit and "help" people with their problems

4. How to make online friends on roblox and make sure that they dont ghost you the next day 💀 asking for a friend if any one sees this 💀🥲

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