CHAPTER 3: demon slayers

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No pov

As the kids sat down kanae and shinobu were worried that the kids whould not want to stay here aoi already knows what demons are but the others did not as they looked at each other kanae spoke " Zenitsu and kanao i want you to know something very important" zenitsu was very scared as to what the flower hashira had to say " as you know this is not a normal place since there are wisteria trees srounding the place " kanao than looked out the window and saw big wisteria trees she had not seen those before " the reason for that is because there some creatures called demons and they eat humans"

kanao was hideing behind her brother and zenitsu was shaking with fear at the human eating creatires that were being told to him " but do not worry as there is a way to kill them and they are called demon slayer that is what me and shinobu are and we wanted to ask you both if you would like to be one" zenitsu was looking at them with fear as he had heard the sound that kanae was making she was telling the truth and kanao knew that as she looked at her brother with fearful eyes zenitsu than asked " w-what will w-we need to do to be a demon slayer " kanae was surpries that zenitsu would accept her offer " well zenitsu i will tell you once kanao had made her decision " kanao was thinking on what she should pick as this will change her life to a new one

"i-i .....would like to become a demon slayer please" said the liilte girl " well than now that both of you had accept to train to be one we must start somewhere first you will have to learn a breathing style, than you will have to stick to it and train until you perfect it, after that you will go to final selection, you will be there for seven days with demons in a froest and once you come out of there alive you will be demon slayer."

Zenitsu and kanao were confused and scared on what kanae just said kanao than spoke " ok and what are the breathing styles that we can learn" shinobu than interupted " there are 8 you can choose from water, stone, flame, wind, sound, flower, inscet, and thunder" kanao and zenitsu were suprised that there were so many breathing styles to choose from but they would only be able to choose one. 

Kanao had already made her mind and so has zenitsu " i will go for thunder breathing " said zenitsu "and i would like to learn flower breathing" said kanao " well good to know that you had made up your mind kanao i will be teaching you flower breathing as for zenitsu you will have to go some were else to learn thunder breathing" kanao looked at zenitsu to see what would be his choise

after all she would not like being seperated  from her brother

Zenitsu thought this threw, would he be able to leave her sister or would he choose to go away and train somewhere he couldn't be able to reach her......after what felt like hours zenitsu finally replied

"I will be fine going away to train if that means i will be able to protect kanao when im done"

At first Kanao thought she heard him  wrong but after hearing the last part she got happy, sad, disappointed, .............
She didn't feel anything after all she could not force her brother to not go so she just sat there waiting what would happen next

" all right than now that is settle you guys can go to sleep" before she could stand up kanao had a question " miss kocho will aoi also be a demon slayer?" The little blue eye girl was with shinobu hearing everything she did not want to admit but she was sad that zenitsu was going but was happy that kanao was staying "well kanao aoi is training to be one she's learning water breathing" kanao pleased on what she heard got up and went to her room with zenitsu.

After all she would only have a few days until he left and didn't see him again for a few years

Hi its me i know i have very lazy for a while but here i am school i a bich right now and fanily shit is happening and for the few people who read this shit thank you 🥰 and i am thinking in makeing another story but i dont know yet anyway bye and have a good rest of your day 🤩

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