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Hey there my dear readers. Xoxo.

It's been a while since i made a story, don't i? Well look look, i made a new story! But, this story is different to my current stories.

This story conatins TAEGYU which is a Taehyun x Beomgyu FF.

I know i've been making Yeongyu, Beomjun stories but as time passed by, i've now entered into the TAEGYU Fanclub coxo

I have read tons of TAEGYU to get inspo + improve on writing <3

>> Plot <<

Choi Beomgyu is a very desperate student to get good grades yet he kept failing. The school gave him a senior to tutor him for a year and check his improvements after the tutor. As time flies by, Beomgyu felt he is falling for the senior/tutor named Kang Taehyun. He always flirts to him and the older was flirting back, giving to the younger a thought maybe he likes him back. Suddenly, he realized that Taehyun was just joking and he is falling inlove alone. Luckily, Fate and Desitiny is there to fix their love problems.


Main ;

Taehyun - 20, Beomgyu's tutor and senior. A person who doesn't believe in fate and love until one person made him believe it was true.

Beomgyu - 19 , A student of Taehyun who he secretly likes. A desperate man and believes in fate and love that he made someone believe it is true.

Sides ;

Yeonjun - Beomgyu's senior and friend. Classmates with Taehyun and ships the two as always. He secretly likes one of Beomgyu's friend.

Soobin - Beomgyu's best friend. Always there for Beomgyu, gives the best advice. #hesaidsingleisbetterthandouble

Kai/Heuning - Beomgyu's friend. The happy pill of Beomgyu. Beomgyu always stays at his house since he is comfortable around Heuning.

~ Notes ~

I might add some other group members from same companies or diff companies like ENHYPEN, SKZ, G-IDLE etc.

~ early answers ~

? Are you gonna update this daily ? Not daily but i will update this barely.

? Are there TXT and other gg interactions ? Yep

? Is smut, angst and fluff contains in the story ? Mhm. {💦} for smut. {💥} angst/violence/if there is fight, screaming etc happening.

? Will there be plot twist ? Of course, you know me i love plot twists.

? Will there be TXT x TXT interactions ? Obviously < 33

? When will this end / How many chapters will this get to end ? Idk, i'll ask the magic mirror,....

!! Readers, this is my first TAEGYU EVER. So, if my story isn't nice please leave a feedback. I really appreciate nice feedbacks / voting on this story !<3 !!

                                Z I M C R E A T E S


                       FALL INLOVE ALONE / TAEGYU

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