{ 05 }

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The night ended with the two sleeping soundly.

Beomgyu woke up as he felt the sunlight staring at him. He started to blink his eyes as he woke up and saw he was on the mattress.

"Holy.." He groaned as he felt his head to ache. He then remembered he bumped his head below Taehyun's bed making him to groan more as his head starts to ache more.

"Tae...hyun!" He tries to shout or call Taehyun's name but he can't due to his headache.

A bit later, Taehyun came in and saw Beomgyu in his bed groaning while caressing his forehead.

"Beomgyu, are you ok?" He asked gently as he comes near to him.

"No... My head hurts..." He replied stuttering, groaning more as he turned his back to Taehyun. He can barely see anything by how blurry and can't keep his eyes on.

"I'll bring you some med-" his words were cut as he stood up as he felt Beomgyu stopping, holding his wrist, gripping at it tightly.

".... Just stay here please.." He mumbled still holding to the olders wrist. Taehyun chuckled and smiled gently, sitting beside Beomgyu.

"It's been three days since we met but you're craving for me already." Taehyun said in a playful low tone, making Beomgyu scoff and remove his hands on the older.

"Then i'll call So- my best friend to pick me up." Beomgyu mumbled as he stood up in his bed but falling down by his headache.

Taehyun can't help to laugh at what Beomgyu did that Beomgyu pouted on the olders reaction. He turned his back and curled himself into a ball, making Taehyun stop laughing and glanced at the curled Beomgyu.

"I was just joking. I haven't laugh in months you know. Even my friends can't make me laugh, neither chuckle." Taehyuns words made Beomgyu's heart flutter, putting on a small smile.

"Stop it! Get me some meds please!" Beomgyu shouted in a flustered tone making Taehyun click his tounge and sighs as he walks away.

Beomgyu held his chest as he felt his heard beating and pounding loundly.

"Calm yourself. Calm yourself." He mumbled until the door creaked making the other startle. He turned back and saw Taehyun, walking over with some meds and water.

"Can you sit up?" He asked in a soft yet worried tone.

"You were laughing at me earlier but now you're so gentle." He mumbled as he sits up yet he rolled his head backwards from the pain.

"...Beomgyu?" Taehyun asked as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

Beomgyu responded in a groan as he finally looks in Taehyun. His vision started to get blurry as he felt tears dropping in pain.

"Shhh..Drink the medicine now." Taehyun tried to stop the crying Beomgyu but he can't stop but bring the pain out by crying.

Taehyun sighed and has no choice to do it.

"Bite." He commanded in a gentle yet deep tone as he puts the medicine in Beomgyu's teeth. Beomgyu obeyed and stopped crying, wondering what will Taehyun do.

Taehyun drank some water but didn't swallow it but filled his mouth. Beomgyu stared the older as he noticed he is getting closer and closer.

Taehyun pressed their lips together and let the water run down in Beomgyu's throat. Beomgyu swallowed the medicine, so do is the water until it was finished. He felt his cheeks and ears burn but the good thing he is kind of feeling well.

"I'm sorry for doing that but i did that to make you drink your medicines." Taehyun said as he ruffled the youngers hair.

"Please call fpr this number. Tell him to pick me up or visit me. I'll get a nap." Beomgyu said in a groany tired tone as he puts on a gently smile before he closed his eyes.

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