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Numb Feelings | Taegyu - Continuation .....


As Beomgyu shut the door, he sank through the floor, hands gripping tightly in his hair scalp. He felt himself burning, remembering and realizing what has happened.

"Aishh!! Why that dream WHY!! Come on God, you know i'm innocent... At the moment." Beomgyu kept mumbling, nervous to face Taehyun by what he just did. Until something popped inside Beomgyu's mind.

He forcefully opened the door making Taehyun jump in the unexpected action.

"Yah! Taehyun! Why the hell are we here and you're here!? How did we get here!?" He flooded Taehyun questions that all he received is a sigh.

"Look, you drank so much because you saw your ex who fucked and treated you like shit last night. Oh let me clear it, ex-crush, who fucked amd treated you like shit. Also you kept mentioning this Soobinie Soobinie! Are you two a thing?" He cocked an eyebrow. Beomgyu was frozen, embarassed on what happened.

"Aigo, Soobin is the friend i'm talking abou-" Beomgyu cut's his words when he noticed Taehyun's head lowered.

"Beomgyu." The pink haired said, walking closer to the confused Beomgyu.

As Taehyun was a step away, he immediately hugged Beomgyu which gave the younger sparks.

"Whoa, are ya fine?" He said in a confused tone, but deep inside, he loved it. He wants to feel more on Taehyun. It may be unexpected but he loves it so much that he don't want Taehyun to let go.

"I-i'm sorry for not giving you my time and always lefting you in our tutor sessions. Please forgive me." Taehyun said in a low voice, which made Beomgyu chuckle.

"Taehyun past is pas-"

"Yes it may be the past but when i heard what happened about your parents just last week, i felt bad for not giving my attention to you." Taehyun broke the hug as he stared at the younger. Beomgyu just let out a small smile and a tear that is not expected to come out.

"Aigo, did i? I-i'm also sorry if i did walked out. I'm just ..." Beomgyu felt embarassed to say the word Jelly. Taehyun already knew what he was about to say so all he did was show a sly smirk.

"Come on, get in the stool, i'll make you breakfast." Taehyun offered gently. Holy fuck, Beomgyu's ears are blessed today aye.

Taehyun was cooking some pancakes which the aroma was so good that Beomgyu's tummy is rumbling from how great the smell it is.

"Who knew you can cook well?" Beomgyu giggled as he earned a soft chuckle to the older.

"I'm more great than your Yeonjun hyung ya know?" He teased, making Beomgyu frown.

"He's more great in fried rice." He said in cocky tone and snickered making Taehyun look at him, smile and brows twitching.

"Haha, whats with the face?" Beomgyu awkwardly said is he avoided the gaze of the older.

"I don't want for you to mention that Yeonjun is more greater, because today is where only you and i will spend together for the day." Taehyun said to the brunette with a growl, which made him stunned by the words he just said.

Beomgyu was dumbstrucked. He can't process what Taehyun said. His cheeks were burning red that it was so obvious as if he is bursting like a volcano.

"Spend time together? Oh yes, the tutor sessions! Haha what was i thinking." He whispered, making a disappointment face.

Taehyun clicked close the stove as he served the pancakes he made. It was decorated and topped with whipped cream, powdered sugar and some sliced fresh strawberries.

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