Blue Hour - Valentines Special !!

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Valentines Special Chapter!!!

( Notes, all of the events happening in the story are not coming into the future chapters. But this chapter is a special treat for all of ya readers <3 )

It was the 14th of February, where people confess or spend their time with their loved ones. People was excited to receive anonymous letters, chocolates and confessing to their stupid crushed. Oh damn Beomgyu isn't happy. Well, Beomgyu does receive letters and chocolates anonymously by his looks but he don't like receiving gifts. Except this valentines, its way more different where he will like it the most.

"Bloody hell..." Beomgyu groaned as he opened his locker, filled with letters, flowers and chocolates.

"How lucky of you." Soobin said as he pouted.

"How lucky of you. God damn Soobin, please take the flowers and chocolates away from me." He mocked as he rolled his eyes, peeking at Soobin's locker.

"Hey! That's your first time receiving a gift!" Beomgyu said loudly making Soobin feel flustered and embarrased.

"O-oh, it's a prank right?" He stuttered out.

"Ugh Soobin! Read the letter!" Beomgyu said rushingly, excited to what the letter says.

" Soobin, you were the one who lightens up my soul and day. This valentines, i toughen up. I wanted to confess my love for you. I really like you for so long yet you didn't noticed it. What a shame. If you were mine, probably i will take and give my love fully for you. Meet me at the school's greenery. See you there - anonymous. " Soobin read the letter as he showed a small smile making Beomgyu tease him after.

"Well what about you? How about read that so fancy invitation like letter?" As Soobin eyed an red glittery and fancy letter making Beomgyu in awe. Beomgyu likes some glittery and fancy stuff, which some people knew.

" read read read!" As he heard a voice shout on the back.

"Kai-ah, its you doesn't it?" Beomgyu chuckled letting out a smile.

"Why would i give someone like you in valentines? Disgusting." As Kai fakingly gagged making Soobin laugh, but Beomgyu didn't.

He carefully opened the letter and wow, the calligraphy and design where his likings. His bestfriend even don't know he likes these stuff that they were in awe. One person came up in Beomgyu's mind. He shook his head, taking of the thoughts of this person.

"Oh my dear sunshine, i know we barely talk but i realized, i've been liking you recently. Well who knew i would like someone like you. This valentines, i want to confess my love for you. Please meet me at the rooftop by 5:53 pm. " Beomgyu muttered out as he felt his cheeks to heat up.

"Looks like someones going." Kai teased. Beomgyu took a deep breath and ran his way to the rooftop.

"Isn't it 5:48?" Soobin mumbled as he stared to the younger. The two of them shrugged and went their way out the locker area.

Beomgyu was desperate to see who is this. Is it him? Is it the one who he's been thinking? No no. He shook it all, running all his might, sweating panting and checking the time.

"5:51!" He shouted as he saw the time getting faster and faster.

Atlast, he harshly opened the rooftop door making it bang. He saw a seat where its covered in flowers. He smiled at the sight. He walked closer until

"...You came." A gentle yet low tone was heard by Beomgyu. He glanced and smiled at the sight.

A pink haired boy who is holding bouquet of flowers and was wearing one of Beomgyu's favorite sweater.

"It's you Taehyun..?" He said in a gentle soft voice and letting out a soft chuckle.

Taehyun walked more closer and smiled, gently pulling the younger to the middle of the heart shaped flower he made.

"5:52." Taehyun mumbled as he caress the youngers cheeks.

Beomgyu smiled how gentle and caring the older is today. He then noticed the sky changing. He glanced and saw the sun starting to set, sky turning into a orange like color.

"Oh look how beautiful the sky is!" Beomgyu said as he tilted his head and admired the skies beauty.

"Beomgyu." Taehyun then quickly held the younger mans chin making him look at him.

".. I didn't knew i would end up having feelings for you. I didn't knew i would fall for someone like you. But in the end, i fell. I fell harder for you everytime i see you. I know you might not accept my confession but it's fine. Atleast you've known what i'm really feeling for you. I like you Beomgyu, no, I love you." Taehyun confessed.

Beomgyu felt something funny in his tummy. Is this butterflies? He likes me? He loves me? But..?

Beomgyu's thought gather around until Taehyun mumbled something.

"I love you too, Taehyun-hyung." He replied in a joyful smiling face.

Taehyun gasped and hugged the younger. He glanced at his clock and saw his watch.

"5:53." He mumbled. He broke the hug and again, held the others chin. He slowly moved his lips to the other and other was startled yet it was the best time of his life.

Taehyun kissed the younger passionately yet gently. Beomgyu puts his hands around Taehyun's neck and kissed him back.

They lasted the kiss for seconds and broke it for a breather.

"You don't know how happy i am." Taehyun said. Beomgyu stared at him and saw Taehyun's eyes turn into crescent brown, filled with happy and joy. Beomgyu hummed and smiled.

"So this is what they called You and me that I discovered in the sky in 5:53." Taehyun whispered making Beomgyu chuckle.

"Blue hour? Mhm it is." Beomgyu responded as he again kissed the other. Of course, Taehyun kissed back. The kiss is more longer than the other. 

As the two stopped, Beomgyu noticed how beautiful the sky is.

"Sunset's are  very beautiful!" He said as he sat down on the bench.

Taehyun hummed in agreement and watched the youngers side view, admiring the sky.

The two then watched the sunset, interlocking their hands as the day ends.


"TAEHYUN CONFESSED? ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER?" Soobin and Kai shouted insync.

Beomgyu nodded slowly then smiled.

"Unfair, my favorite hyung has a boyfriend!" Kai pouted as he crossed his arms.

"But you're still my favorite maknae Kai-yah~!" Beomgyu teased as he ruffle the youngers hair.

"So Soobin, who confessed to you yesterday." Beomgyu quickly glanced at the other who is not making eye contact at him after the question. Kai also glanced at the older, waiting for an answer.

"... No one!" He quickly responded as he ran iver the house.

"Choi Soobin!!" Kai and Beomgyu shouted, as they chase the running big bunny embarrased Soobin.

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