Chapter 22

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"Suddenly you're ripped into being alive, and life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you're alive and it's spectacular."

                                                                              ~Joseph Campbell

It had been years since I had been to a hospital, in fact the last time I remember, was when my parents had been killed. My aunt never took me to the hospital for anything. She always called private doctors. She couldn't have me telling them the real reason for my wounds. The building was huge and made mostly of windows. I was scared to go inside, but Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the doors. He reminded me a lot of Marley. I hesitated in front of the glass doors covered in health signs. What if Aunt May was waiting for me on the other side? I didn't want to be captured by her again.

"Hey! There's nothing to fear. I'll protect you," he flexed his arm and winked.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took a deep breath and walked into the hospital. The receptionist looked at me with a tired glance not even seeming to notice the blood coating my skin or the burn on my face. She was worn and overworked. The lobby wasn't busy, but only a little old man and woman who were giggling together over a book. "You can go ahead and leave, I've got it from here."

"Nah, I'm staying until they say you're good to go. Somebody's got to stay in case something goes wrong." He walked off toward a chair without another word. I walked to the desk, feeling guilty about being there, as the receptionist gave me a dirty look.

"Can I help you?" she asked leaning her chin in her hands with a spent expression.

"Um, I just need to see a doctor," I replied nervously. I've never had to do anything like this, and I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to say or do. I fidgeted with my fingers as I made myself form words. "I um, have multiple cuts and punctures, and this burn on my face: that has been irritated and hasn't really been treated in a while." She began typing away at her computer and then began to ask me my name and address. I had to think awhile to remember my apartment info, but I finally did after staring vacantly at her for a moment.

"It's going to be an hour or so. We're busy tonight," she said without looking at me again. I walked back over to Hunter and sat down with a deep sigh.

"She doesn't seem like a very happy person," Hunter observed. "She needs a candybar."

"I need a candy bar," I mumbled as I sunk down into my chair wishing I could just fall asleep. He dug around in one of the pockets of his cargo pants before bringing out a candy bar.

"I've got one!" he said with a grin and tossed it over to me. I don't think I'd ever been that happy to see chocolate as I was right then. I tore off the wrapper and began to eat it as I looked over at the old couple. The candy was gone in two bites. "Dang girl, when's the last time you ate?"

"I have no idea," I mumbled as I thought back to that bag of chips and water. That was the last time, and I didn't know how long ago that was. Time had become nonexistent; everything was a blur.

It took about two hours before a nurse finally came out and called my name. Hunter asked to come with me, but I declined and walked quickly away with the nurse. She seemed nicer than the lady in the lobby, so I didn't feel as bad about being there. She smiled brightly as she led me into a small room and motioned for me to get on the bed in the center of the room. I began to tell her what had happened as she took my pulse and checked my vitals.

"You're saying that someone did this to you in the middle of the woods?" she asked quizzically. I knew no one would believe me if I ever brought this up. "Can you tell me who this person was?" I couldn't tell them about my aunt because I had to kill her as soon as possible and they probably wouldn't believe me even if I told them.

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