Chapter 28

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I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you.

                                                                                     -Nicole Lyons

The sky was dark just as my heart. Black clouds moved in followed by torrents of rain and strong winds. The Boones house was quiet for once, even Marley was unable to crack a smile. They didn't know exactly what me and Nico did; I wouldn't tell them and well Nico couldn't. I was concealed in the darkness of my room at the Boones, covered in blankets and a bad mood. The door opened a crack and Maeve peeked her head in. I could only see the top of her head from beneath the blankets.

"I went to the hospital today," she said, her voice was low and quiet. I moved the blanket from my face and stared at her.

"What did they say?"

"Nico is starting to get better," she sat down at the edge of the bed and patted my leg. "He's going to live." I couldn't speak so I stared at her, not daring to hope that it was true. Doctors had a habit of pretending everything was okay when it wasn't. I thought my dad would live too, but as we can see, he didn't. I can't lose Nico. "He asked for you."

"I can't see him like that again," I clenched the blankets in my fist until my hands cramped. "He almost died, Maeve and it was my fault."

"Oh, Sugar, none of that was your fault. Nico knew full well what he was getting himself into doing whatever crazy thing the two of you were doing. It was both of yawl's fault and you need to quit beating yourself up about it. You can't change what happened so quit trying."

"I shouldn't have even let him come; I should've said 'no'. This isn't his fight or his curse." She said nothing as she continued to pat my leg; it was beginning to irritate me, but I said nothing about it.

"He wanted to help you, and he wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt. You and I both know he would've still gone. I don't know what y'all two had to do, but I know that it was dangerous, and I'm glad he did go," Maeve smiled. Her usually encouraging words were falling flat on my ears; they weren't helping this time. I jerked away from her and rolled out of bed; my tears dried immediately. It was time I stop feeling sorry for myself and Nico. I still had a job to do. Now that I have the dagger, there was nothing to stop me except myself. "I have to leave," I said as I began to throw my things into an overnight bag. I had been here three days which was three days longer than I had planned. I had things to do.

"You don't need to leave, Adaline," Maeve said softly.

"No, I do. I need to finish what I set out to do. I owe it to my mom and Nico who both risked their lives for it." I had finished packing and pulled on my boots. I was in a desperate rush, my mind completely shutting off Nico and the Boones. I was not going to die tonight, but I couldn't say if I would ever see them again. I was a murderer, and I was craving blood. May's blood.


I now had no fear. I wasn't fazed when I thought of May. Instead, my fingers itched with anticipation to plunge the dagger into her heart. I spun it around in my fingers enjoying the warm sensation in my hand and the gleam of the blade against the moonlight from the window. Malin had contacted me; May was home again. Most of the guests left yesterday except he, Alyse and a man named Hank. May apparently didn't feel the need for guards even after I killed all of them. She is stronger than all of them combined. She didn't need guards. A knock on the door ceased my fingers for a moment, and my hand tightened around the handle of the dagger. The knocking became harder, more desperate, but still I sat there enveloped in the darkness, the dagger clenched in my hand. I was not scared but I did not want to get up. I was comfortable.

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