Tears of Agony

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A/N: The plot twist at the end is insane! Pls read and vote and comment it really helps smaller writers like me!

The worst day or your entire life. 

Think about it. 

What is the worst possible outcome that couldve happened to you?

Well it happened...

To me. 

Keefe Sencen...

And I could never go back


I arrived at school moments before the bell rang only to recieve a text from a number. It rang loud so I shoved it in my pocket and ran down the hallway.

Man I wished I'd answered it sooner.

I made it into Art Class. One of my favourites. Only to discover Sophie's vacant seat. It looked so...empty without her there. 

I lifted my eyes to the teacher who was explaining that we would be doing portraits of someone close to us. 

I was conflicted to say the least. 

Not about the portrait, about my life. 

My friendships were falling apart and I didnt know what to do. 

I'd decided my subject for my portrait a while ago.

(Guess who here --> (it might not be who you think)

The paintbrush suddenly turned heavy in my hand at the thought of painting....her. 

It was already a crap day and it was only... I looked down to my phone. 


Damn, I was not gonna make it through today. I placed it on the desk to hear three more consecutive notifications but I wasn't in the mood to check them. Probably my snapchat or something. 

And yet I shouldve checked sooner.

And so I got to painting her. And I couldnt keep the reoccuring frown from appearing time and time again. 

My hair eventually hung over my eyes and I slumped from exhaustion in my seat. 

"Keefe?" Lady Armaly questioned, her eyes widening a bit at the sight of me. "You don't look so good" She came closer and touched my arm. 

"I don't feel so good." I croaked out in reply. 

Everyone in the class looked at me worriedly. I WAS quite the celebrity. 

My head felt heavy, my stomach was turning and me eyes were drooping. 

"I-" I started "Need to go-" I ran out of the classroom feeling faint. My head felt so heavy, I was about to drop. I pulled out my phone to urgently call my dad. He usually wasnt my point of contact cause of our...uh issues but I needed to I felt sick, for some weird reason. But I couldnt take that long. I needed the nurse. Now.

I stumbled into out school nurse Elwin's office and slumped on a cot before slumping on the it. Elwin came around the corner and took one look at me and paled. 

"I feel sick." I groaned. 

"You look sick." Elwin bounced back.

I groaned as a sharp pain shot across my abodomen. 

Elwin gave me a minute before tending to me and soon I felt a little better. Like I wasnt gonna pass out from exhaustion. 

I felt my stomach still turn...as if I was missing something important. 

Then Elwin said something unexpected. "Do you need to talk?" He cocked his head to the side in concern. 

I laughed a bit "What?" 

"Nerves. You got all worked up, you were nervous." 

I stayed silent for a minute. "Teenage drama. You wouldn't understand." 

Elwin laughed a bit, some of his youthfulness showing. "I think I would Mr Sencen. When I went to Exillium I had LOTS of drama.Once I felt so guilty about blowing up a test tube in Chemistry I was sick for 2 days straight. Worst headache of my life."

I was about to speak but-

"Than in Grade 10 I liked this girl Crystie, and let's just say she didnt like me-" He laughed.

"I'm sorry-" I said.

"Don't be!" He exclaimed, "i'm now married to an amazing woman and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Keefe contemplated asking him- THE BIG QUESTION


He opened his mouth to speak but-

"Hey kiddo, it's gonna be alright. If you ever need to talk- I'm here- believe me I've done it all!"

I prepared myself 

"But what if your stuck?" 

He gestured for me to go on. 

I breathed in shakily. 

"What if I need to make a decision between two things that I love very much- but I don't know what to choose. Like I love this one thing but I feel like I love this other thing. I mean hypothetically- speaking, of course." 

"Well-" He creased his brows. "I guess you need to find out what you love more and what love is real, and what is possibly not. We all need to make hard decisions sometimes,but sometimes the easy one isn't always the right one. And sometimes the things we love most in life are the ones too-" He paused "incomprehensible too explain. That's what makes our love so great for it." He smiled. "At least...hypothetically."

I nodded feeling a bit better at his comforting words. 


He turned to look at me, confused. 

"What if you feel something is off, like  maybe the pers-THING you love is not what they say they are?"

"Well then... they aren't an object are they?" He raised an eyebrow. 

I sighed in resignation and pulled out my phone. A whole bombardment of messages on my phone.

An unknown number. Five messages. 3 Missed Calls. And I felt myself go pale at each one.

Keefe??? Is this you????

This is Sophie's phone! It's Dex!

I'm using it for an emergency!

Come quick!

Sophie got hit by a car on her way to school!

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