1K Tam POV Special

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Feeling numb is normal right?

They call you numb and oblivious to others

They tell you your not worth it.

That you don't care for others

Devoid of emotion

But really what they dont know

Won't hurt them

The tears you hold back when they scream at you

The bruises you hide from their inevitable words.

The pressure you feel to impress them

The only words that will be right

"You're right"

The constant pressure and stress

The tear soaked pillow as you cry yourself to sleep.

The disappointment on their face

And the worst part?

Is that you don't care at all.

The screaming becoming a backing track to your life

The scars you hide, now apart of you

The constant devoid of love in their eyes.

But your scared

Because you feel like you should care

That they should too

But they don't

Because their empty words

Are now meaningless

The well dones and congratulations now mean nothing

And for what?

So yes they call you numb and oblivious

They call you cruel, a disappointment.

Dumb and stupid.

But they don't know

Feeling numb isn't normal

And the battle scars we have prove it.

Feeling numb is normal



I couldnt think straight. 

Snap out of it Tam. 

You can't possibly-



So I played with my bangs while I waited for her to show up. 

I sat at that table, and honestly it was so lame. Like people were giving me sympathy stares as if I was stood up. And technically I was, she was kinda 30 minutes late... so i was kind of wondering if  she was ever gonna show up.

And the waiters dirty glaring at me cause I was hogging their tables that people were kind of waiting for....

Oh well. They could wait. 

I saw some kids from school look over at me. They briefly laughed then saw my stare and covered their mouths and started laughing cause they couldnt disguise their laughter.

Ironic right?

I rolled my eyes. A figure came rushing into the building panting. Looking around frantically. Then her eyes settled on me. Marella Redek, not the teenage girl I wanted to see. 

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