Ch1-Everything's fine now, Tess

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" what do you wanna do?!"

"I'll help you get your lover back! I don't think it's that hard to figure out, Gary!"

"So... what are you..." Arthur looked at the person in front of him, Her appearance was the same girl she knew from her childhood, but inside, she was different from the girl she could recognize

"Gary, I don't belong in this world, neither I and Niko, we can't be here... Nico is gone and it's time for me to go"

"But I... I owe you a life, Cecilia!"

"But you can't give me that life with this body! I can understand how you feel... and the person inside me... I understand her feelings and I understand that she wants to be with you... But not as long as I'm here "

"What are you going to do? How are you supposed to..." Cecilia smiled and took her childhood friend's hand

"Believe me Gary, I'll fix it! After all, being with Agrona has an advantage!"

Cecilia was sure that she could to solve everything with her own power and reverse the magic that brought her into this world.

"Just stay away from me... I don't know what might happen!"

Arthur nodded and stood at a distance from Cecilia

"You don't mind trusting her?" Regis asked Arthur mentally

"There is no reason for her to least I hope it is like this"

"Great, princess! You're not even sure what you're doing!"

"Just be quiet... I am aware of the situation"

Arthur looked at Cecilia, he didn't know what he could do or even what he was doing now, he just watched her.

He felt a strong wave of mana gathering around Cecilia

"Cecilia... are you oka..." Before Arthur finished speaking, he noticed a stronger wave from Cecilia's side... a wave that made Cecilia scream in pain and It'll make her unconscious.

"Cecilia!!" Arthur was holding Cecilia and her between his hands

Cecilia was unconscious in Arthur's arms and Arthur didn't know what to do, "I just hope this is a good sign..."

Absolute darkness was the only thing that could be seen. Tessia was sitting in the corner of this darkness and put her head between her knees.

"I'm tired of all this waiting.. So when will it end? When am I going to come back to my body?"

"You can come back soon..."

Tessia raised her head and looked at the owner of the voice, a girl with golden hair and blue eyes was standing in front of her

"You... you are the one who..."

"That's right... I'm the one who took your body... I didn't know who this body belonged to... I thought the owner of this body had already died... I'm sorry that I used your body instead of you until now, Tesya"

Cecilia went forward and extended her hand, hoping that Tessia would hold her hand and get up, Tessia doubtlessly took Cecilia's hand and stood up.

" what do you wanna do ? "

"It's time to return this body to its original owner..."

"So what about you..."

"Don't worry about me.. I'll go back to where I belong" Cecilia smiled when holding Tessia's hands "Just promise me you'll take care of Gary, oh Arthur!! You call him Arthur"

Tessia tilted her head and looked at Cecilia

"Oh, sorry, I must have confused you, didn't I? You know this is a long story! How about asking him? Tell him Cecilia wants you to tell the truth!"

" Truth ? "

"He knows what he has to say," Cecilia looked at her hand as it started to disappear. .."It's like I'm running out of time." she came back and looked at Tess "Again, I apologize for grabbing this body, and thank you for showing me the truth sometimes"

Cecilia took Tessia's hands and pressed her forehead to Tessia's forehead, "All he needs is you... take care of him" Cecilia gradually disappeared and only tessia was left...

Tessia looked around and saw a white light approaching her. She stretched her hand towards the light and disappeared into it.

A few minutes later, Tessia opened her eyes and saw herself in a cave

she looked around and saw the wheat-haired boy sitting next to the purple wolf


Arthur turned and looked at Tessia, he couldn't believe that the girl in front of him was Tessia

They looked at each other for a few seconds, Tess tried to get up and stand on her feet, but her legs were not cooperating with her and she was unable to stand, which made Tess feel weak and want to fall to the ground, but before that happened, Arthur came forward and grabbed her. He took it in his arms " really're back"

Tessia's eyes were filled with tears, she made Arthur's clothes wet with tears, "You.. you really Arthur."
"Shhh don't cry.. everything is fine now"

Arthur lifted Tess's head and looked at the tears on Tess's face

He wiped the tears from her face and looked into Tess's eyes and smiled

He drew his finger on Tess's face and moved his head forward. "I missed you." He put his lips on Tess's lips and kissed her.

Tess closed her eyes and accompanied Arthur, Regis saw the situation and went to the entrance of the cave

"I think I should leave these alone..."

A few minutes later, Arthur separated from Tess and the they looked into each other's eyes

Tess put her head on Arthur's chest and hugged him tightly "I wanted to be by your side.. I'm afraid.. I'm afraid to lose you again.. Arthur, when I saw you struggle... and I couldn't do anything.. I was afraid of everything.."

"You're safe now... I promise to protect you this time... I know you're tired... you better rest, we'll be back to Dicathen soon... To your grandfather and the people of your territory"

Tess separated from Arthur and Arthur stretched her.. When he was about to get up, Tess grabbed his hand "Stay with me.. I don't want you to go.."


"Please..." Tess looked at Arthur with begging eyes, Arthur shook his head and lay down next to Tess, Tess turned and placed herself in Arthur's arms, "It's better.."
Arthur held Tess in his arms, "Goodnight, Tess..."


1051 Word? Not bad for starting 😂

This is my first fanfic in English and in Wattpad! I hope you like it, I tried to make a different story :)... Just wait for it

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