Ch3 -real truth

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Tessia eralith:

"If I tell you that you are talking to a 50-year-old man , how does it feel to be in love with him?"

"W.. What do you mean?" He breathed out and started talking

"Before entering this world, I had another life, another point of view and a different position, life as a king.."

King? "C.. Can you tell me more precisely? At first it confuses me more... Life again? King?" Arthur had his head down

"In my previous life, I was an orphan child. In an orphanage with my best friend Niko... At first it was just us until one day a girl with golden hair and blue eyes was brought to the orphanage, she was Cecilia.. with the others It was different, the power that Chi (Ki) had was too much... When he asked us to be friends with him, I admit that I didn't like to even get close to him... But things didn't go the way we wanted.. One the day when we were going back to the orphanage, I noticed the officers near the orphanage... I got worried... I passed through the crowd and something I never wanted to see and I saw... the body of the director of the orphanage... Cecil and Niko arrived after me and they also witnessed this scene, but I don't think they were affected as much as I was... after that time, only one thing I thought...revenge...I wanted to take revenge no matter what, I trained for years to reach a position..but I didn't think I would end up facing Cecil.."

"So... what happened then?" I knew he had a feeling.. he didn't want to explain the rest, but I wanted to know..

Maybe it was a mistake to ask about it in the first place?

"The rules of the kingdom were different there, you didn't become a king by blood and generation... you had to fight, in the battlefield and...
My last opponent was Cecilia.. I knew I had no chance against her... But the fight ended with the death of the last opponent, normally I was the one who should have died, but it didn't go as I thought... my sword made a hole in the middle of Cecil's chest and he was on my sword... I don't know what happened. I asked her why.. why did she do that.. do you know what she told me? Tears gathered in Arthur's eyes. <As long as I live, none of you will have peace>... With Cecil's death, the fight for the kingdom ended... and I became the king, but I lost my best friends..." He turned and looked at me with tears in his eyes

"It's painful, isn't it? To cause the death of your friends... to become a person who has no feelings... However, after I entered this world... I had things that I always wanted, a family, a friend and someone who I could love her... but I couldn't protect them"

What should I have done? I had a strange feeling.. but this feeling didn't make a drop of my love for Arthur decrease.. I still loved him but.. I felt he betrayed to me.. He knows me all these years and yet he didn't tell me? Did he not trust me? Am I such a distrustful person?

"You know, Arthur, I always felt that you were different from the first day when you were even younger than me and you saved me from that merchant. I always convinced myself that I could understand you, but I always underestimated it since Cilicia came. And my body was out of my hands, I could relate these things but... I thought it was a mistake, maybe there was another reason, but it wasn't... "I turned and looked at him, I could see the fear in his eyes, a little ahead I went and hugged him

"At least I'm happy now I know.. being Cecil in my body made me understand the situation better.. I don't know what I could have done if you had told me this before... so please this and without.. I don't care about your past and who you were... or your previous life... You are now Arthur.. a new person" I tried to change the atmosphere between us

"Should I call you old man now?" He smiled and looked at me

" Thankful ..."

"for ? "

" That you're by my side... I didn't know how I would feel if I were to lose you too... I didn't even want to think about it"

Third pov

Tess locked the fingers of her left hand in the fingers of Arthur's right hand, Arthur raised his head and looked into Tess's eyes, Tess came closer and pressed her forehead to Arthur's forehead and closed her eyes, "Please don't hide anything from me anymore, okay?

" .."
Arthur closed his eyes and smiled, "I'll try, but I can't promise."


"Okay, okay, sorry, I promise I won't hide anything from you again," Arthur raised his other hand and placed it on tess face.

"You must be hungry, right? I'm going to get something to eat."

"Just come back soon, okay?" Arthur nodded, got up and walked out of the tent, before walking away from the tent he raised his head and raised his head.

"How much and did you hear?" Arthur looked to the side of the tent, Virion, who was standing in the corner, came out and coughed.

" enough .. "

"That's it.. well?"

"Well?" Virion looked at Arthur with a raised eyebrow

"Don't you want to say something?"

"What can I say? I can't say anything until she's okay.. However, I'd like to sit down one day and talk about this more, I want to know what you have in your bag as a 50-year-old man," Arthur raised his eyebrows. He looked up and smiled

" Definitely , commander "

Two weeks later Jangal Elenoir

Arthur was holding Tess' hands and they were walking together between the trees

"Well, you're right... I'm still not used to it. After all, I was just hanging in one place for several months..."

" I understand ... "

Both of them were walking between the trees with childish jokes, until they reached a river with clear water.

Tess slowly went to the river and sat down and put her feet in the river

"It's cold.. but it feels good.."

Arthur sat next to Tess, the river was not very deep and almost reached below Arthur's knee
"Really?" Arthur took some water from the river and poured it on Tess

"Art!!" Tess looked down at her wet clothes and glared at Arthur

Arthur turned his head and started whistling and moved away from him, Tess was nervous and tried to answer Arthur.

So she got up and took some water and poured it on Arthur


" Yes ? "

"You weren't supposed to do that"

"I don't know what you are talking about, General!"

" is it like this "

Tess shrugged her shoulders and said nothing

"Well, princess!" Arthur slowly approached Tess

"Wh..why are you coming like this..don't, Art, you don't do this!"

Before falling into the water, she got Arthur's collar and fell into the water together

"Come and see my whole dress-" Before she could finish her speech, Arthur's lips were on her lips and made his speech unfinished.

A few minutes after they parted, Tess looked into Arthur's eyes


"I didn't let you kiss me!"

"Should I have asked for permission?"

"w..well..." Tess didn't answer Arthur, she lowered her head and her cheeks reddened

Arthur grabbed Tess' waist and lifted her up. "I think we should go back.. you might catch a cold."

"I can walk on my own, Art..." Arthur gave a meaningful smile and looked at Tess.

"If you could, our clothes wouldn't be wet now, princess"

"But you are to blame!"

"I don't take responsibility for anything"

Arthur laughed and pulled Tess closer to him

"But it was worth it, wasn't it?"

Tess turned around and Arthur just smiled

"That's not enough..."

The fifth week after the return of Tess:

"Are you sure it works?"

"Do you doubt me?" Regis looked at Arthur while adjusting his smokey glasses and checking the test papers.

Artur raised his eyebrows and said, "What exactly is the purpose of those glasses?"

"My professor's glasses do not concern you, dear patient!"

"...just let's finish it!"

Arthur was sitting alone in the forest and holding Sylvie's egg in his hand

"Just collect your aether energy"

Arthur shook his head. While breathing deeply and trying to gather his ether energy in a specific point, he was concentrated

"It might hurt, princess!"

" what do you mean.. "

A few seconds later, Arthur felt a sharp pain in his chest and this pain made him unconscious....


1467 word? Hehe...

Well, I think you understand what I intend for the next chapter, right? It can only be the first part! I am thinking of a second part and a behind the scenes! I have so many plans for this story! And I want to start a new story after I move this story forward! :)

So Thanks for following and tell me your thoughts... Like I said this story is about Art and Tess... Maybe?

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