CH 05 - Before session

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Arthur Leywin

I entered the tent, I saw Virion sitting at his desk as usual and checking a series of different papers, when I entered, he raised his head and looked at me, "You came, let's talk."

I nodded my head in approval and sat right in front of him " Looks like you've been busy, Virion

" Unlike you, I did not get involved in a romantic life" he said

"Oh, seriously? Who is in charge of the training courses for the soldiers? What about the training of the lances? What about the monitoring of the areas? Who is in charge of the handover ceremony of Rune and the new advanced equipment? Do I say it again or is it enough?"

"Okay, okay, that's enough, let me get to the point, what is your plan for Alacrya? Are you going to see Agrona torture that poor guys?" I put my hand on the back of my neck

"Honestly, I have a plan for him, at least I hope it will work.." Virion looked at me with his hands on his chest and seriously

" Tell me about this "  I breathed out

"Well, first of all, as you know, the Dicathen is ready, but I don't think it is really needed, the people of alacrya and even most of its soldiers are against this war, and of course, with Seris' help , we have a positive point," Virion nodded his head in approval.

" So? "

"Currently, I think that taking a number of forces, including Lances and people who have mastered their runes more, and a small amount of soldiers is enough" Virion leaned forward a little, resting his elbows on the table and his hands under his chin." And don't you think it's better to talk about the next plans, when the Lances are here, as well as Curtis and Kathleen? "

"What about Tess?" I knew she wanted to say that.. The presence of the Elf princess as the future queen was important in this meeting, but I didn't want Tess to get involved in this matter...

"she should know, but" I raised my head and stared into Virion's eyes, "I don't want her to have anything to do with this attack." It was obvious that Virion also agreed with me, after what happened to Tess and the time Cecilia was in her body. Tess was afraid of doing anything. Most of the time, she was afraid of being alone and had terrible dreams.

"Well then, you don't want to involve the people of alacrya in this war" I came out of my thoughts

"As far as I can, whether you are in Dikatan or Alacrya, they have lost everything, family, friends, life and many things, they have no right to stay in this hell any longer."

"You know, Arthur, I agree with you, but do you think we can handle the alacryan soldiers, or should I say Agrona?"

"This is where the plan and strategy come into play, and like I said, we'll talk about it when the others are here." I got up and was about to leave the tent when Virion's voice stopped me.

"Arthur!" I turned and looked at him "Thank you..for everything"

"thanks? but didn't you just say that I ran away from my work? What happened, did you change your mind?"

Virion lifted his head and smiled, "You always doing above and beyond the call of your duty, and you took back the entire Dicathen this time, if you hadn't…if you hadn't come back…I really can't imagine what we might be in."

I glanced at Virion and gave a bitter smile, "I didn't do many of my duties correctly Virion, and that's why I did those things, so... nevertheless... I don't think I deserve thanks."

"Don't say that, you're the one who's going to be remembered as a hero, kid."

"Is that so? So thank you for this honor you gave me" Virion laughed

"See you, kid" I nodded and left the tent. When I came back, I noticed that Tess, Sylvie, Ellie were still sitting there and...

What had Sylvie done?! I saw Regis, he did whatever Sylvie said... she had a good control over others from the beginning, but I never thought for a second that she could do something like that with Regis... closer I became

"Princess! Come and save me from this lizard! It's looks like I'm her doll and she's playing with me!"

Silvy was laughing, "You have become a bad boy twice!"

"Excuse me ma'am!" Regis was scared... I don't know exactly what made him scared, but whatever it was, it was related to Sylvie... I laughed at the reaction of those two.

"Hey El, do you want to talk?" Eli looked at me while smiling

" about?"

"You understand" Eli shrugged her shoulders and gave Sylvie to Tess and got up and came with me "So what are we going to talk about?"

I turned and looked at my sister, the sister who forced me to train with her in the dungeon and see her death several times.. "Regarding the dungeon.."

she jumped in the middle of my speech, "Don't tell me you don't want to continue? You promised!" I raised my hand to stop her from continuing

"Let me explain" she was standing in front of me with his hands on her chest and trying to look authoritative

"Tomorrow, we are going to talk about the last attack on alacrya in the meeting... and then we are going to prepare for the attack on alacrya, or rather, Agrona... so... I don't think we should go back to that dungeon for training now." ... "

she breathed out, "Huh, I thought you wanted to give up! It's not a problem, I completely understand. We can leave it for later, can't we? You have to promise me, Mr. General!" I laughed

"Okay, okay, I promise that we will train together after I return," she put her hand on my shoulder

"Wow, if you keep your promise"

I put my hand on my chest, "I'm Arthur Leywin, son of Alice and Reynolds Leywin, swear that I will not break my promise and go through basic training with my little sister, okay?" she nodded her head in satisfaction, "And one thing... I don't want Tess to know anything about the attack right now. It will remain a secret between us." Eli shrugged.

"she will understand first and last, so there is no reason for me to tell her!"

"Thank you, I really have to visit mom..."

"Definitely do it! What do you think about coming to dinner with us tonight?"

"I'm sorry El... but there are two people that I have to separate." I looked at Regis and Sylvie, as if they were fighting like children, or rather troublesome siblings, "I thought they would get along..."

Ellie patted my cheek, "What a busy family you have, brother,"  I agreed, "I have to go to mom! Also, separate them too." I shook my head and waved to her.

I was walking away from Eli and towards Sylvie and Regis, who were still arguing, "I told you, I'm not an object!"

"But you are not living creature!"

"However, I have feelings!"

I intervened between them, "What's wrong with you two?" Sylvie went forward and put her hand on Regis' head, "Nothing! I just thought that Regis would be with me tonight and I need a warm pillow."

"Princess save me!"

"I agree with you, Regis be with Sylvie!" Regis looked at us with a poker face

"Tell me who I asked for help," Sylvie, Tess and I laughed. I was happy to feel this warm smile again... At least this smile was enough for me until tomorrow...

I have a big road ahead of me tomorrow..

Sorry for the delay in uploading... Hmmm next chapter so important.... Bye Bye

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