Prologue: Exiles

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Throughout his reign Tughril Ibrahim had fought for nothing but peace. Under his rule, the Sultanate of Ağaçstan flourished. Even when side 3 declared itself the Republic of Zeon, Tughril Ibrahim maintained peaceful relations with Earth, believing peace still may be preserved. It was only when Zeon declared itself a principality did things go south for him. As Ağaçstan was a Side 3 colony, the hostile Earth Federation sentiment quickly found its way into the colony. His own nephews, Murat Sulaiman and Suleiman Kerem Pasha led an armed rebellion to overthrow him. Tughril Ibrahim was found dead on the dawn of January 8th, UC 0079.


The young prince gazed out the window as the ship drew further from the colony.

"Bey," A brown haired boy with crimson eyes called. "Is..this the end...?"

"No, Bamsi." The prince spoke. "This is only the beginning."

"But..they've chased us out of Ağaçstan, our home. Where..will we go, Bey?" Bamsi asked. "...where CAN we go...?"

"Earth." the prince simply said. "As far as they know, we are Earth Federation sympathisers exiled from our own colony by the treacherous Zeon. If there's only one place in the universe, it's Earth that will take us in." He turned towards the boy. "Leave me, Bamsi. I wish to be alone."

"...Yes, Bey."

The boy left and the door closed shut before locking itself.

"Baba..." the prince called. "You dedicated your life for peace yet...this is what you get...? how they repay you...?" He placed his hand on the window, gazing out of it as the colony grew smaller. "KAHRETSİN!" He struck the window, boiling with frustration, hate, grief, every negative feeling known to man could probably be found in him.

"I swear, Baba, by Your honor and the honor of House Tughril, I will avenge you and kill those traitors."

For The Honor of House Tughril: A OYW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now