Chapter 6 Part 1: Operation Homecoming, A Janissary's rage.

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The battle of A Baoa Qu is raging on with no end in sight. In amidst of all the chaos of mobile suits, mobile armours, battleships, fighters and the likes destroying each other, the ACF-Anne, which was escorted by a captured Musai class, named the ACF-Asar-i Tevfik, (Turkish for God's Favour),managed to sneak into the S Field(somehow getting past the Dolos-class carrier Dolowa)and made its way into the N Field before eventually penetrating Side 3.

"This is where we part ways, Mahmut Bey." The captain of the Asar-i Tevfik, Ismail Aslan, spoke. "Any further and we'd be sunken for 'desertion'."

"You've done plentiful, Ismail. I can never thank you enough." Mahmut said.

"It is I who should be thanking you, Bey. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have made it this far."

"I am merely fulfilling my duty as Bey. It is the people who got us here, not me."

"Stop being so humble, Bey. Give those traitors a thrashing!"

The crew of the Anne and Asar-i Tevfik bid their farewells and began heading the opposite direction, the Anne heading for Ağaçstan and the Asar-i Tevfik heaidng back to A Baoa Qu where the battle is most likely tipping in favour for the Federation at this point.

The tension within the ship became more and more apparent as the Anne began drawing closer to Ağaçstan. Mahmut of course noticed this so he decided to give a little speech(that I will actually type this time)to raise the morale. Clearing his throat, he pressed the intercom button.

"My alps," he began, his voice being heard throughout the ship. "For 12 months, we've been through thick and thin together living as exiles. In a few minutes, we will be within our homeland, Ağaçstan. It has been 12 months since we were exiled from our birthplace. 12 months since our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, anyone who supported House Tughril were murdered in cold blood, by our own countrymen no less. We shared meals with them, played matrak with them, camped out with them. Before Zeon was a thing, they were our brothers. My alps, in a few minutes, we will be locked in combat with those very people. We will attempt to kill them and so will they. If anyone wishes to stay behind, I will not stop you, but, if any of you wishes to follow me into battle, then board your mobile suits this instant for Ağaçstan draws nigh."

Silence filled the ship during the seconds that passed, until,


The chants of the alps echoed throughout the ship, the sound as deafening as the thunder of cannons.

"You have my gratitude, Alps of Tughril!"

As Ağaçstan drew closer, the alps boarded their mobile suits. Soon, the big ass number 8 on the gates of docking bay 8 came into sight and soon opened, allowing the Ağaçstani ship to enter Ağaçstan. The gates soon began closing but before they fully did, a mobile suit flew out. It was Tughril Mahmut's GM Space Command painted in a magnificent shade of black with gold to compliment it.

"All connections have been made, Bey." Suleyman's voice spoke from Mahmut's headset. "All of Ağaçstan can here you."

Mahmut nodded slightly, acknowledging the voice.

' goes...'

Mahmut took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"People of Ağaçstan! It is I, Tughril Mahmut, son of Tughril Ibrahim!" He began. "As of now, I currently stand before Ağaçstan, the home I was exiled from 12 months ago. My father, brothers, cousins, anyone who wore the name Tughril had been killed during the revolution 12 months ago. I have come to avenge their deaths. My quarrel, however, isn't with you, citizens of Ağaçstan. My quarrel is with Suleiman Kerem Pasha and Murat Sulaiman! If you have any honour left, come out and face me! However, if anyone tries to stop me from reaching them, they shall face the wrath of my Kilij!"

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