Chapter 5: Ağaçstan

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It's been four days since Solomon fell and over a week since the Ağaçstanis left for space. Using Solomon as a staging area, the Ağaçstanis began their operation by establishing contact with Suleyman and his men in Ağaçstan.

"Bey," Khalid called. "Suleyman Alp has managed to gain control over Docking Bay 8. He's also managed to rally up the remaining supporters of House Tughril which amount to over 150 men."

"It's fortunate that Murat Iskandar is willing to help us. If not for him, none of this would be possible." Ahmet spoke.

"Inform Suleyman to expect us within a week. We leave at dawn, my alps."

"Aye, Aye, Bey!"

Two days ago 

It had been a week since Suleyman's taskforce left Earth and set course for Side 3. Thanks to their ship being Zeonic in origin and the fact that they were Ağaçstani, they easily passed through security and successfully infiltrate Ağaçstan.

"Welcome home, abi(older brother)." The checkpoint guard spoke. 

"Teşekkürler(thank you), abi! May your days be long and your mornings bright!" Suleyman spoke.


Once all the procedures were done, the Ağaçstanis set up base in a rented house(after checking for any wiretaps ofc).

"Suleyman, are you sure this Iskandar guy will show up and that this isn't some kind of trap?" One of the alps asked.

"Positively sure." Suleyman answered. "He swore upon his honour. I have full faith he will be true to his pledge."

"Do they even have any left?" Another grumbled.

Just then, the door was knocked upon twice and Suleyman went to answer it(looking through the peephole first). 

"What is one and never two?" Suleyman asked.

"Mother Earth." The person answered.

"What is two and never three?"

"The sun and moon."

"What is three and never four?"

"The three houses of Ağaçstan."

"What is four and never five?"

"The Eagle, Lion, Owl, and Stallion."

"And what is five and never six?"

"Our founding fathers."

Suleyman opened the door and revealed a white haired male.

Suleyman opened the door and revealed a white haired male

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"Suleyman Alp." The man spoke.

"I'm glad you stayed true to your honour."

"Unlike that brother of mine, I still hold my honour high." He said as he entered the room.

Suleyman closed the door and locked it before leading the man towards the living room. 

"Murat Iskandar, son of Murat Kahraman. It really is fortunate for us that you are willing to help us." Suleyman said.

For The Honor of House Tughril: A OYW FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now