Chapter 3: Mobile Suit

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Days passed and the Ağaçstanis were finally able to create a battle simulator. Immediately Bamsi, under the orders of Mahmut of course, began putting the Alps in it. A week after the creation of the first simulator, another four were made followed by another five the week after. Once all 10 machines were properly up and running, the R&D Department's priority shifted towards developing a mobile suit for New Ağaçstan, which quickly reached a dead end.


"Currently our mechanics are trying to extract the reactor for reverse engineering but...well you know, Bey..." Ahmet said. "With how it's wired up to the Zaku, the smallest mistake will-"

"Send us sky high..." Mahmut sighed. "What of the other parts of the Zaku?"

"The hydraulics are too damage to even try and reverse engineer, the head piece, well you've seen the suit. It was completely obliterated by the Regina. The arms and legs, however, have already been opened up and our mechanics are currently attempting to replicate the main frame."

"Without a main body to hold them or even a generator to power them I doubt they'll be of much use."

"A-apologies, Bey-"

"It's not your fault, Ahmet. We knew this would've happened. Unless the R&D somehow pulls through, our only hope is that either the Federation lends us their new mass production mobile suit or Suleyman returns with the data of that Gundam."

Just then the door bursts open, revealing Bamsi.

"Mahmut! Suleyman has arrived at Jaburo!"

Dismissing Bamsi's lack of formality, Mahmut immediately jumped onto his feet. "Speak of the devil and he doth appear!" Mahmut laughed. "Ahmet! Inform Jaburo that I will be making a visit!"

"Right away, Bey!"

"You're coming with me, Bamsi!"



The journey to Jaburo was done via speedboat which was driven by Bamsi(much to Mahmut's regret), which took around 30 minutes. Once they were 10 kilometers away from Jaburo, they were greeted by a federation patrol boat. Security reasons apparently. After their identities were confirmed, they were told to board the federation boat and were blindfolded before resuming their journey to Jaburo.

"Man the security here is tight-" Bamsi spoke.

"Maybe we should do this with New Ağaçstan!" Mahmut said.


Eventually, the two arrived in Jaburo and their blindfolds were taken off.

"Cause no trouble, spacenoids." 

"I can see why Zeon rebelled."

"Mind your manners, Bamsi."

The two disembarked and was greeted by what seemed to be a Federation Lieutenant.

"Mahmut Bey," the lieutenant greeted. "Welcome to Jaburo. I'm Lieutenant Osbourne, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person." 

"The same can be said, Lieutenant." Mahmut smiled. "I heard that White Base landed here?"

While this information was supposed to be classified, Osbourne had heard that Ağaçstanis have a way of gaining information no matter how well kept it is. He also heard that White Base had an Ağaçstani on board, so he wasn't really all too suspicious.

"Indeed it has, Bey. It's currently docked in A-Block in the space dock." He spoke.

"And is it possible for you to take us there? You see, one of my alps had been aboard White Base for quite a while, and well, simply put, we miss him."

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