Chapter 4: RGM-79 Alp

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After the ass kicking the Ağaçstanis gave towards Zeon, they headed back into the underground base(via elevator ofc).

"Bamsi Alp, what happened to you jetpack?" Mahmut asked with a teasing tone.

"Tis but a scratch, Bey!" Bamsi laughed. "What happened to you arm?" He shot back.

"Eh, I'll live." Mahmut replied. 

"You two are terrible." Suleyman chimed in. "I only lost my shield."

"It still counts!"

The bickering from the two alps were quickly stopped with the elevator reaching the ground(or underground)floor. 

The three GMs made their way off the elevator and into Jaburo, where they were met with the Gundam along with Federation tanks blocking their path.

"What is this for, Bey?" Bamsi asked.

"Unidentified pilots! Step out of your mobile suits with your hands up! Failure to do so will result in your termination!"

"Does that answer your question, Bamsi?"

"Y-yes, Bey-"

Obeying the demands, the three Ağaçstanis lowered their GMs before moving a hand infront the cockpit and exiting it.

"S-SULEYMAN-SAN?!" Amuro said surprised. 

"I should've figured it'd be him..." Bright sighed from beside the Gundam's feet.

"Mahmut Bey," Osbourne called as the Ağaçstanis feet touched the ground. "Do you have any idea how dangerous your stunt was?" He asked with a hint of frustration. "You could've gotten yourself killed! How would I answer to your people if that happened?!"

"...Eminim sadece konumunuz için endişeleniyorsunuzdur.."(I'm sure you're just worried about your position.)

"Bamsi!" Suleyman scolded. 

"But we're quite alive, aren't we?" Mahmut replied. "We even handed Zeon its ass, I dare say."


"I think you've sent your point, Osbourne." One of the top brass officers told, immediately shutting him up. "I'd like to talk with you, Mahmut Bey." He beckoned the Ağaçstani to follow him.

And Mahmut followed. 

"Usually, you could be court marshaled for breach of protocol but you aren't a Federation soldier." He spoke. "Well, not until today."

"I'm sorry...?"

"Your admirable actions has earned you and you men a spot in our ranks. You participated in active combat against Zeon, so what other suitable term to describe you if not a soldier?" The officer explained. "I've already taken a note of your bravery and shall arrange a shipment of 30 RGM-79s to New Ağaçstan and a special unit for you to pilot. I'm sure you have a score to settle with the two houses back in space. You are dismissed."

Mahmut left the officer and headed back to his alps. While he did plan to exert revenge against House Murat and Suleiman, he didn't expect to be incorporated into the federation armed forces while trying to achieve that. Although, it didn't really matter much anyways. 

"What did he say, Bey?" Suleyman asked as Mahmut arrived.

"We're Federation soldiers now and we'll be getting 30 of those suits." Mahmut answered as he pointed at the GMs.

"REALLY?" Bamsi asked(more of yelled honestly), his face displaying nothing but joy. 

"Yes, Bamsi. Really." Mahmut assured. 



The Ağaçstanis returned to New Ağaçstan shortly after.


A week after the events at Jaburo, New Ağaçstan received a shipment of RGM-79s and a RGM-79GS GM Space Command just as the officer said.

"Sooo...what exactly are we supposed to do with these...?" Qasim asked.

"Well we paint them with our colors of course!" Mustapha said.

"Maybe we should prioritize modifying them to fit our fighting style." Another Ağaçstani suggested. "What do you say, Bamsi Alp?"

"Khalid's words stand true." Bamsi said. "Besides, it's also Mahmut Bey's intention to modify these suits to fit the way we fight."

"Well if its the Bey's orders, who are we to object?"


In the weeks that followed, the Ağaçstanis busied themselves with modifying their RGM-79s with its modified variant being known as the RGM-79 GM Alp. Out of the 30 units they received, six were converted to RGM-79 GM Alp Cannons(Basically GM Cannons)with one belonging to Ahmet Pasha. Mahmut's GM Space Command had its thrusters and and energy output modified, allowing for better maneuverability in space and on land. It also had a visor added(like a GM II Sniper),it's backpack was also modified and thursters were added to the calves(Mahmut's GM Space Command resembles a GM II Sniper more than it does to a Space Command)and replacing its beam sabers was a Heat Kilij(basically heat sword). Its beam rifle was also replaced by a 105mm Sarsılmaz Musket Repeater. Bamsi's unit was modified to such an extent that it resembled a GM Ground Type more than the standard RGM-79(though it still maintained its space capabilities). Ahmet's unit was a GM Alp Cannon with not many modifications save the removal of the beam saber in place for a heat kilij and a heat halberd(all of the Ağaçstani suits had their beam weapons removed). Suleyman, unlike Bamsi and Ahmet, was not given a mobile suit as he was appointed another mission by Mahmut(details will be revealed in the next chapter). By December 12th, all of the Ağaçstani mobile suit was in working order. On the next day, Suleyman Alp along with another 30 alps left New Ağaçstan and boarded a ship(which was Zeonic in origin)and made for Side 3. The following day, New Ağaçstan transported Her mobile suits to Jaburo where a modified Columbus-class space supply ship(later named the ACF-Anne(mother)(ACF for Ağaçstan Cosmo Force)waited and had Her mobile suits loaded and subsequently launched into space.


From the bridge, the Bey stood as Earth's image from the monitor slowly shrunk in size.

"Nervous, Bey?" Ahmet asked from beside him.

"You could say that, Ahmet." Mahmut answered.

"Scared the plan will fail?"

"I have full confidence on the plan, Ahmet. What disturbs my heart is a few weeks, we'll be killing our own countrymen whom we used to share meals with..." He sighed. 

"That's the cruel reality of war. Nobody, not fathers, nor mothers, nor brothers, nor sisters, can escape its grip. I hate the idea of killing our brothers as much as you, Bey. But...can we say the same for them? 12 months ago they didn't hesitate to drive us out of our home and I'm certain they won't hesitate 12 months later. It's us or them, Bey, and I know you'll choose us."

"I hate the fact that you're right, Ahmet..." Mahmut sighed again. "Us or them, huh? Let's hope this is the last civil war Ağaçstan will face."

"We all hope so, Bey. For a better future."

"For a better future, Ahmet."

To Be Continued

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