A day that connected the past and the future

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He was in his office .The sun's rays, which shone from the large window behind his desk, warmed his back .the smell of the old parchment, scattered throughout the room,filled the whole house .But even though it was the middle of summer, although the heat was building up in the room and there was hardly any air to breathe, he felt cold .

He was colder than he had been in a long time. It took all his energy to force him to work .For six years this had been a familiar feeling. Every year that day it was like that. Every other day he was happy. Every other day he could smile.

But on this day he couldn't.On that day his thoughts revolved around him, didn't leave him a moment's rest and stopped everyday life in all its essentials.That day he didn't go out to eat with his colleagues as usual, that day he didn't attend meetings, that day he only managed half of what he wanted to do, that day he couldn't fall asleep or make himself eat as usual. Nothing helped that day. And everyone who knew him knew that .

She was a taboo subject that day. Any other day he would gush about her, laugh at the memories, and brag about her accomplishments. She, his beloved daughter . She died of what should have been a common cold, but her immune system has always been weak .She was gone when she was only four . His beloved Lily .His only child .

Her mother couldn't stand it. Separated a year later and moved to Norway with her family. Hardly anyone knew about their separation. The public thought he had moved with them. Nobody knew about Lily's death. Only close family and friends .The colleagues who obviously knew he was still here had been placed under an unbreakable spell .
it was better that way .

he worked as an Auror for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.his job was to write criminal reports based on the data he received. These were mostly used in court to state the charge .

he usually found this job interesting, he could interrogate criminals in disguise, had information on all cases since he was the only one interested in the job and had a chance to take his work home with him .But on this day not even the most hair-raising case could shake him awake.

No Death Eater or mass murderer in this world made his eyes light up like they normally did. He didn't find it exciting enough to stop his musings. he thought there was nothing that would pique his interest that day. But he was wrong, he realized as he turned to his next case.

Severus Snape.
the charge was Murder of Albus Dumbledore and membership of the Death Eaters.
application was made by Ron Weasley.

The man was left alone for twelve years because Harry defended him for the first two years after the war.

"Mr. Potter, the case should be completed by the end of next month. You should interview him"the voice of his younger colleague tore him out of his rigidity. "Yeah, I can do it.if you want to excuse me ? two months isn't a lot of time" the younger nodded and left the large, bright office.

Harry wondered what could be causing Ron to propose just now. The war was over, Fourteen years had almost buried Dumbledore's dead. Hardly anyone seemed to be actively after Snape anymore.Not after he defended the professor in court, for a total of ten sessions.

There was no explanation, but either way Harry had to go to the interrogation room in two hours. He needed the two hours to deal with the evidence.
Disguised as Henry Mortelgor,he strode down the hallways of the house, which was positioned away from the minesterium. The looks of his colleagues, who had learned to respect him in recent years,didn't bother him.he called them his colleagues, but that was probably wrong, after all he led this small group.

Harry opened the gray interrogation room door and the creaking of the door, which hadn't been repaired in three decades, announced him loudly.The young man from earlier looked up and smiled broadly.

"Well Mr. Snape,this is Mr. Mortrlgor,our boss. He will serve you better than I can." even a blind man could see the grin and hear the relief as he was pulled off the case. "A stubborn man, don't let his words get too close to you" the young boy whispered to him and quickly disappeared from the room.
Harry took his time sizing up Snape. Only a few gray hairs and the small stubble under Snape's hooked nose told of the time the two hadn't seen each other.The man was still wearing the clothes he had worn when Harry was at school and his hair was still greasy.

but a look into Snape's eyes showed him more than any Legilimens spell. Snape's eyes used to be cold and his gaze unbreakable. Now he saw the tiredness and exertion of the years. He saw every little emotion, perhaps because Harry had learned to read Snape in his school days.It was an unfamiliar feeling to now be the one who was superior. He was the one who anticipated every move and noted every emotion. It was refreshing. but contrary to what he expected, the feeling didn't make him happy or make him seek revenge.

"So you're Mr. Mortelgor? Could you tell me what's going on?" it seemed to bother Snape to be left in the dark.
"You have been charged with the murder of Albus Dumbledore and your activities as a Death Eater"Harry explained as per the transcript. "Look, I don't want to dwell on this case, just give me your memoirs or anything that proves your innocence and you can go."
rather shocked by what he heard, Snape stopped moving for a moment."You believe in my innocence?"
Harry sighed."Yes I do. Well actually I know you didn't kill Dumbledore for no reason. I just need proof."
Snape seemed suspicious. "How do you know that?"
Snape's suspicion were understandable and perfectly natural, but Harry was annoyed. He just wanted to get back to his office and get the day over with quickly.
"Just trust me.Give me your memories and we'll never see each other again."

Harry didn't know how wrong he was about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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