ma kieva | 1

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bold italics are words in na'vi
3rd person/neytiri's pov

Light poured through the translucent green pull over of their hammock, alerting them to the new day that had come. Neytiri's eyes blinked at natures interruption, adjusting to the brightness after being asleep for longer than she was suppose. Her tail wagged slightly as it tried to wake itself up and smacked lightly against the bottom of the hammock. She let out a small groan and tightened her arms around the woman laying in them.

The chiefs daughter looked down, like she did every morning, and smiled at the sight of her fated mate tucked against her chest, eyes closed and soft breathing fanning against the royal blue skin of Neytiri's collarbone. Kieva, her beautiful future mate, her Kieva. The smaller Na'vi had her head rested against Neytiri's chest, the latters arms tight around her to keep them close in the night.

Neytiri leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before using her nose to nudge through her hairline. The gently touches always seemed to wake her up better than rushing. "Wake up, my sweet flower." She whispered into her skin.

Kieva shifted slightly and started to open her eyes, when she realized that it was day now, she clung onto the woman more and whined quietly, "Nooooo. Let me sleep."

Neytiri chuckled quietly and kissed her hairline once more as she gently pulled her head back to look into her eyes. "We must, Ma Kieva. We have things to do."

"Things that can be done later." She started to close her yellow eyes once more and snuggled farther into the others chest.

"No, no, no. We must awake now. My mother and father will be worried." Neytiri couldn't be truly mad at the other woman, the smile on her face as she scolded showed as much.

"The two of them always know where we are. Ewya has probably already told on us."

"Please, my beauty," She pulled Kieva up and onto her chest, Neytiri's back pressed to the hammock while her future mates stomach pressed to hers, "I promise we can collect some utumauti while we are out."

The smaller of the two opened her eyes after a few moments of pondering the offer and said, "You drive a hard bargain but okay." She scooted up her chest and placed a small but deep kiss on her lips. When they pulled away, Kieva smiled widely and spoke, "Good morning, my love."


After the two of them had gotten dressed for the day and said good morning to Neytiri's parents, the two women walked hand in hand out of the Home Tree and further into the forest. Kieva had a tendency to run ahead from excitement, excitement for a forest she had been in her whole life, and get herself lost so Neytiri started to keep a firm grasp on her and just let her mate drag her where she wanted.

The older of the two let go of Kieva as they made it to a large planting of utumauti fruits. Kieva ran ahead, immediately climbing the closet of the trees and started to gently throw down the rope fruits she could pick off. Neytiri caught them one by one and placed them besides her in the basket they had brought with them.

Neytiri chuckled a little at the smile Kieva flashed at her before the older one of the two bent down to pick up the basket. She made a small hooting sound to her mate as she started to walk away with the fruit.

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