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3rd person/kieva then jake's povs

Neither of them answered the sky demon as she and her Neytiri trailed on towards the Home Tree. Kieva still felt practically giddy after seeing so many of the atokirina at once. She remembered when Moat had found her in the forest, even at her young age she remembered. A few of them had floated down and landed on her arms and head when the woman had stumbled upon her, a sign from Ewya to take her home care for her.

Now the Great Mother had done it once again with this man.

Neytiri seemed as stoic as before while her mind was filled with many many question for Eywa. Kieva could practically see them tumbling around in her head. She turned her own head to see the name get distracted for a moment by the bioluminescent plants around him, his fingers gently slapping the tops of them as he passed, causing them to glow more.

She giggled a little at his child like wonder, the sound causing his ears to perk up and look at her. She mouthed 'come on' to him and waved her hand to beckon him forward. Neytiri held out her hand to her mate to help her over the small river that she had just jumped over herself.

"Come." Neytiri said once more to the sky demon as she turned back around and lead them on. Kieva's hand kept a hold on three of her fingers.

The three of them jumped over different flora and fauna as the two women could hear the man speak to them, asking, "What's your guys names?"

Before Kieva could answer, she could hear him let out a startled noise and groan, the sound of his body falling forward and hitting the wide branch they were stood on. She turned just in time to see him fall off the side, hitting some plants on the way down to the ground floor. She gasped a little, both women rushing to get down to him as they could both already hear the sound of pa'li hoofs stomping against the ground and getting closer to them.

Kieva could hear the warriors ululating, so she assumed the man had pulled out his weapon once again. Both she and Neytiri jumped down in the middle of the hunt circle the fighters had formed around him.

Her mate yelled a little, getting their attention before speaking, "Calm people, calm."

"He is okay. We are okay." Kieva said as well, hoping that they would lower their bows and arrows at her words.

Jumping down from his pa'li and disconnecting the bond between him and his steed, Tsu'tey strode towards them with his bow in hand.

"What are you doing, Tsu'tey?" Her mate asked in a harsh tone.

"These demons are forbidden here."

Tsu'tey had grown up close to Neytiri's family, like Kieva as he was the son of a great warrior. When they were older, he and Neytiri's older sister, Sylwanin were promised to each other. Even with what happened before, the three of them reminded close. Mainly because Kieva was the glue between them. Tsu'tey and Kieva were like brother and sister, protective and caring as such. While Neytiri found him headstrong and sometimes arrogant, she treated him nicely for Kieva's sake.

"There has been a sign." Kieva said with a smile, stepping forward and gently cupping her hands around one of his. His snarled lips didn't rest even at this.

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