Chapter 11

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The next few days were difficult for Satan. He had to take it easy and needed help with a lot as he healed which meant having to count on Barbatos and Diavolo for help.

He hated it and since getting hurt his brothers would come over every day some of them anyway. And would visit him.

But he would refuse to see or speak with Lucifer. And Lucifer stood away.

And anyway today as he was in his room he started getting hungry.

And everyone was busy and despite being told multiple times from Barbatos to not leave the bed and rest. He didn't care and got up and left his room.

But as he got to the stairs and started walking down. about half way down his legs suddenly gave out and he immediately fell.

But as he was about to hit the floor suddenly Barbatos came out of nowhere catching him bridal style.

And Satan immediately froze and his face got red from embarrassment. As Barbatos was holding him and as he was holding onto him from reflex.

Anyhow Barbatos wasn't too pleased by what happened.

Barbatos : now what did I say about resting?"

Satan : ......put me down please....."

Barbatos : not until you tell me why you went against my advice"

Satan : I was hungry..... and I didn't want help....."

Barbatos : oh? is that all?*

Barbatos then smiled and started walking towards the kitchen still holding Satan.

Satan : hey! Put me down!""

Barbatos : no this is what you get for not listening to my advice and nearly hurting yourself more.

Now I will assist on making you something to eat"

Satan. : this pay back for something!?"

Barbatos : yes for making those little jokes of yours"

Satan. : ......"

Later once in the kitchen he set Satan down on a chair and then went to making him him something.

This was embarrassing but Satan had a feeling Barbatos was just trying to lighten the mood but at the same time definitely getting some revenge in.

Barbatos : have you been feeling alright?"

Satan : honestly? Not that much."

Barbatos : that's to be expected. You would heal faster if you listen to me but you are very stubborn and persistent"

Satan : for once I don't want to be trap in my room like the cell I was kept in for a week"

Barbatos : when was that?"

Satan : I..... it's a metaphor for this place"

Barbatos : I see."

Satan : what about you?"

Barbatos : I've been well."

Satan : nothing exciting?"

Barbatos : well tomorrow I have to go to a meeting for Diavolo and you. I should be back the following day"

Satan : take me with you...."

Barbatos : your in no shape to travel. You will be fine"

Satan : fine maybe I can get simeon to come over"

Barbatos : that sounds good"

Satan :.....can I ask you something?"

Barbatos : of course?"

Satan : .....why are you different?"

Barbatos : what do you mean?"

Satan : you had a part in this to. Yet you have just been different.....I can trust you but not them"

Barbatos : .....i am glad I have gain your trust. And I've been around for a very long time. I've seen things have to be done no matter the cost or outcome.

Despite that I've always felt guilty in a way. And this has brought up those things.

Despite you being unhappy in this outcome of yours. I will serve you to the best of my abilities."

Satan : ......thanks I guess"

A little while later after they were done eating together. Satan tried to stand up but couldn't.

Barbatos : do you need my assistance?"


Barbatos : are you embarrassed I carried you? I was only assisting you?"

Satan : ....... don't try and act like you don't know what you did!"

Barbatos : anyhow there's been many instances where I had to carry or drag someone.

Like Diavolo once when he was drunk"

Satan : how?"

Barbatos : I'm stronger than I appear to be?"

Satan :........"

Barbatos : will you accept my help?"

Satan : .....fine....."

Barbatos : very well"

Barbatos then picked Satan up bridal style and Satan held onto him as Barbatos walked away to take him back upstairs.

But as they got to the stairs suddenly they froze as Asmo walked over and immediately started smiling.


Asmo : to late."

Barbatos : visiting Satan again?"

Asmo : yeah. So why you carrying him?"

Asmo then took a quick picture and Satan yelled.


Barbatos : he tried walking before he was ready to and his legs gave out. If demons would only listen to me it would go smoother"

Asmo : well let's go I got some tea I need to spill."

Barbatos : very well I'll make some for both of you"

Satan : ..... you're ignoring me on purpose aren't you....."

Barbatos didn't say a word and just started walking upstairs. And Asmo snuck a few more pictures.

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