Chapter 12

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A few days later Satan was trying his best to rest but also trying to walk again and Diavolo has been trying to help him but it would just turn into aguring and Barbatos would have to help him instead.

Anyway tonight Satan was walking around the castle and was able to get himself downstairs this time and wanted to leave.

He didn't want to deal with anything going on. But with his injuries he wouldn't be able to get far.

And was concerned what Diavolo would do to him. He didn't want to be lock up again.

But just wanted to go but as he got to the door he froze as Diavolo show up who was just walking by.

Diavolo : did you need something?"

Satan : ....."

Satan was angry that he was fearful of what would happen.

Diavolo : ...... you shouldn't be wa-

Satan : I don't care....."

Diavolo : you shouldn't try and leave again especially right now. Let's j-!?

As Diavolo got close Satan tried opening the door but

But Diavolo put his hand on holding the door shut.

Diavolo : Satan please don't do that-

Satan : you honestly think you can just keep doing this to me for the rest of my life?........"

Diavolo. : hope by then you will understand f-

Satan: I told you I won't....."

Satan had his head down facing the door and his hand still on the doorknob.

He wanted to go but Diavolo wasn't going to let him.

Diavolo: let's just get you back to y-

As soon as Diavolo put his hand on his shoulder Satan immediately turned around and yelled pushing him away nearly knocking him over.

Satan : DON'T YOU DARE!"

Satan was afraid Diavolo was going to put him asleep again.

Diavolo : Satan I'm not going to do anything. I just want to help you back to your room?"

Satan : no! I don't want to!"

Satan then attempted to open the door again and as he did Diavolo immediately pulled him back shutting the door and locking it.

And tried to get him back to his room but Satan kept pulling away from him.

And Diavolo wasn't trying hard to keep a grip on Satan because he didn't want to hurt him on accident.

But had a good enough grip that Satan couldn't get free.

Satan : LET GO!"

Diavolo : if you just listen and go back to your room I will"


Diavolo wasn't letting go and getting close to the stairs and Satan was getting more and more angry.

Then suddenly Satan grabbed a letter opener off a desk they pass by and immediately stabbed Diavolo in the eye with it.
Making him let go of him.

He then backed away as Diavolo was on his knees covering his eye that was bleeding shock about what happened.

But after this Satan just walking away going back upstairs to his room not caring about what he did to him.

The next day Satan was in the living room talking with Asmo and Simeon about things and during this they saw Diavolo walk by wearing an eye patch.

Asmo : what happened to him?"

Satan : I stabbed him in eye"

Simeon : said so casually....."

Satan : I tried to leave and he tried to make me go back to my room so I stabbed him"

Asmo : is he blind?"

Satan : from what I heard yeah the eye is gone"

Simeon : how unfortunate..... anyway how have you been?"

Satan : I've been fine but you look stress"

Simeon : it's nothing just recently got some new angels in the nursery and it's been work trying to care for them"

Asmo : you'll do great you are great with kids"

Satan : yeah Luke likes you"

Simeon : that reminds me one child doesn't seem to like Michael and keeps crying every time he sees them.

Once I suggested Michael hold them and the little one threw up on him"

Asmo : such a smart baby. What's their name?"

Simeon : his name is Angel"

Satan : wow sounds like no thought was put into that"

Simeon : yes I suppose"

They then continued to talk about the new Angel and Satan couldn't help but start to feel down about it.

And eventually he made up an excuse and left going to his room.

Later as Satan was in his room Simeon walked in and said sitting next to him on his bed.

Simeon : know.....he looks a lot like you? In a good way"

Satan : .....the name you pick was so obvious"

Simeon : well..... for a fake name I think it's good. But what is his real name?"

Satan : I....I never really thought about it......"

Simeon : I'm sure you thought of something?"

Satan : .....I was thinking about Loki?"

Simeon : that sounds lovely"

Satan : and you had to name him something dumb"

Simeon : we could give it to him as a nickname and maybe Loki will stick"

Satan : it better"

Simeon : want to see a picture of him?"

Satan : ....yeah...."

Simeon then then took out his phone and show him a picture of Loki.

Loki had blonde hair and green eyes like him and looked dead inside.

Satan : he's definitely going to cause trouble for everyone"

Simeon : you seem proud?"

Satan : oh I am......and thanks for doing this"

Simeon : it's my pleasure I did say I would help you"

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