ep. 2

336 8 4

jonathan davis' pov

it's been a few weeks since i'm not living alone in the narrow corridor, since chino moreno has become my next-door neighbor. in the morning he always leaves his home earlier than i do, so i can always see him from my terrace walking out of the block of flats. usually the cigarette is in his hand, i rarely see him without a thread. i have a bad habit of staring down at people, but there's something soothing about being able to admire the life outside from a dingy little hole they call home. especially when it comes to him. he's definitely not ugly to look at. to stare. he reminds me of a song, but i can't remember the title of it. however, i used to play that song on guitar in my lonely nights. it always gave me the right feeling i needed at the time.
most of my hobbies have died a long time ago, there is not much left for me apart from music, but let's just say that lately i have been neglecting it as well. i didn't even think about it at all until i heard a bass from chino's house the other day.

i was making coffee when the first string rang out, it caught my attention immediately. i had to exert a lot of self-control not to get there, i have failed after listening him playing for 15 minutes.
i couldn't go on without commenting it. he's talented in fact, plus music is a common point in us. after i gathered the strength, i knocked on apartment 16. the instrument fell silent, in a while he opened the door.
- i don't intend to disturb you, especially since you're playing, i was just..
- can it be heard? should i lower the volume? i'm sorry, i didn't meant to get in your hair - chino immediately apologized, but i couldn't help explaining to him that he had done nothing wrong.
- it was pleasant to listen to, there were no problems with the volume. it doesn't bother me at all, in the past i was playing around as well.
- really? that's really cool man. then you must understand how it feels when the neighbors are freakin' out about it - he laughed a little - did you have band?
- nothing serious came of it. i was mostly just playing to myself, and having fun.
- that's the best. you can express yourself better when you're on your own - he said very wisely, and after a little thought he invited me inside.
i gotta say, his apartment was well arranged. the last time i saw it from the inside was when i was helping to carry the stuff in. of course it was visible on the walls that it's a dirty environment, in some places the paint started to give up. the apartment has not been cared-for for a very long time, so mold has formed in the corners. i remember mine was in a similar condition when i arrived here. at that time i cleaned for long days, but now i wouldn't even give a rat's ass. passing by the bedroom i noticed that there was a double bed, but only one nightstand.
when we made it to the kitchen, i gently asked about his personal life, about his realitonship. what's the worst he can react?
my curiosity was too strong, there was never any social noise from his apartment, i haven't even seen him bringing people here. it was only him, and his television. i didn't want to mention but i always hear him watching those annoying shows. the walls are paper thin, even though he's the one who gets up earlier, he stays up late at night just to watch TV which causes me not having good sleeps.
- where's your girl wandering? if you have one, of course. - i started with assuming him being with someone, i wanted him to think that he doesn't seem that lonely. he does though.
- a girlfriend? i don't need such things in my life. as i said - he took out two bottles of beer from the freezer - you can express yourself better when you're on your own. anyway, do you think a girl would ignore that volume? she would throw me out of the window with my guitar. - he opened one of the bottles with a laugh, after giving me the other. seems like he's perfectly fine alone.
- why were you interested by the way? have a goal with it? - he asked with raised eyebrows, and i couldn't stop protesting myself as hard as possible.
- oh fuck no, don't worry. i was just corious, you had more bags than a woman. i wouldn't think it was all yours. - i laughed as i clumsily tried to defend the fake point. i might have seemed chill, but the situation was terribly awkward.
- i get it. on the other hand, a person collects as many of his things as possible if he gets kicked out.
- so this is the big secret of you moving into this grimy little block of flats? - i took a sip of the beer.
- i didn't have many choices. time was very tight, and i haven't got much money set aside. i didn't even have to pay a deposit, it turned out to be perfect. - he continued - and you know, after sleeping on the street for two days you basically will accept any solution.
- i'm sorry, i really am. i can't brag too much when it comes to money either. otherwise i wouldn't stay here. being successfull in the twenties is impossible.
- at least the fact reassures me that i'm not the only one in such shitty situation.
- that's for sure, this block of flats is the collection center of misery. - we ruined the mood so quickly, even though i was just corious about his love life. however, chino returned to the original topic after a while and asked back.
- and how are you with girls? that apartment is quieter than a library. - he threw the empty bottle in the trash then reached into the fridge for another one. i loved how we didn't even know shit about each other but still knew how lonely the other one of us are. if you only have your neighbor in your life, the walls are equivalent to an entire cinema experience.
- i don't really care about them. i don't even think of the lack of chicks so much, i'm pretty good by myself.
- so you live alone as well. then i think i know where to go if i get kicked out again.
- i believe that you'll figure it out financially. we all do. but in case.. i have a comfortable mattress. - i took a seat on the chair in the kitchen as i gave him a smile.
- well we'll see.

we talked a lot that day, we were so same-grounded in mind. the hours flew by, and i didn't even realize how late it was already. chino's company was pleasant, especially after he had drunk about the hundredth bottle of beer, and started to open up even more than before. he told a lot about his childhood, his parents, how they kicked him out. he got so right inside a part that he screamed and thrashed around. i was a little afraid since he was still a stranger to me on some level, i didn't know what he's capable of drunk. i think he noticed that i became way more silent, because he kept reminding me not to be afraid because he wouldn't take out his anger on me. however, due to the effect of alcohol he changed his mood very quickly, after two minutes he was already laughing and talking about a completely different topic. i was dismissive even after the second bottle, but it didn't bother him at all. i haven't checked my wristwatch until half past twelve, i needed to interrupt chino to warn him that i really should go.
- i don't think i even locked the front door. not that anyone walks around here but i don't like being out this late. - i stood up from the uncomfortable chair - you too could use a good night's sleep. being hungover won't be fun, you should prepare - i patted his shoulder. chino looked completely confused and angry, he didn't say anything but apparently he didn't want me to leave. until now he had been talking uncontrollably, and now suddenly as if he had become speechless. i looked at the floor out of the corner of my eye, the sight of which slowly led me to the trash can from which the garbage was literally pouring out. there were bottles around it, inside it, and on the floor. much more alcohol was consumed than i remember. i seriously thought that maybe i should help him clean up the mess, take him to the bathroom, tidy up, and then put him to bed. but my consciousness told me that he was a stranger. even if he's my neighbor it's not my duty to keep him safe. with a bitter taste in my mouth but i started towards the exit while i said goodbye and promised to come over again. when i could have reached the doorknob he suddenly stepped in front of me. he hadn't stood so close to me during the whole evening, now i had the chance of taking a good look at his face expressions which were only played by alcohol and other mind-altering drugs.
- don't be in such a hurry - he said, then smiled at me. i could no longer see the self-consciousness in his expression, by then he was completely drunk. i think he was walking the edge of throwing up. the amount of pot he smoked on the terrace didn't help either. he wasn't thinking rationally, which is the reason why he forcibly pressed his lips to mine after a few seconds. when i realized what was happening, i pushed him against the door.
- we totally misunderstand each other - i tried to stay calm and to think of it all as a mere accident.
- i think we don't. i see the way you look at me, the way you look all over me. and you think i didn't notice you staring at me in every morning? asking me about girlfriend? don't be a tease. - i was shocked. especially since he was right, and i couldn't really compete against true words. after i remained quiet, he continued his game. no matter how hard i tried to push him away from me, he overed my strength. he kissed me again, but this time it was more passionate, he tried to capture my interest as soon as possible. it didn't take him long to find my so-called weak point, which happened to be my neck. i learn to give myself pretty quickly if the right person approaches me according to my needs. he began to sprinkle it around with small kisses, while caressing my back. little by little, i stopped resisting, and started giving in to the growing desire. chino was not wrong about me being interested in him. true that i was never dreaming about hooking up, but i took the opportunity that night. suddenly i didn't mind experiencing 'certain things' sooner than expected, my notorious curiosity quickly extended to sexual circles, not just chino's having somebody or not. he had me completely wrapped around his finger with those red glowing swollen lips, and ridiculously mind-dropping smile.
- let's go to the bedroom, okay? - he whispered in my ear, then turned the key on the front door.

corridor | chino moreno x jonathan davisWhere stories live. Discover now