EzeKie Fin Wisteria

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ROLE- The Betrayer
NAME- EzeKie (E-ze-Kie) Fin Wisteria
NICKNAME(S)- Kie, Fin, Easy, *open*
AGE- 17
BIRTHDAY- September 19

ROLE- The Betrayer NAME- EzeKie (E-ze-Kie) Fin Wisteria PREFERRED NAMES- Kie, Fin, EzeKie NICKNAME(S)- Kie, Fin, Easy, *open*GENDER + PRONOUNS- Male + He/Him AGE- 17SEXUALITY- GayBIRTHDAY- September 19APPEARANCE- he 5'1

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PHYSICAL STRENGTHS- Flexibility + hand to hand combat + use of a tessen weapon PHYSICAL WEAKNESS- Shortness + long range weapons + a bit oblivious to situations MENTAL STRENGTH- Calm +ThoughtfulMENTAL WEAKNESS- Oblivious + self doubts LIKES- sweet...

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PHYSICAL STRENGTHS- Flexibility + hand to hand combat + use of a tessen weapon
PHYSICAL WEAKNESS- Shortness + long range weapons + a bit oblivious to situations
MENTAL STRENGTH- Calm +Thoughtful
MENTAL WEAKNESS- Oblivious + self doubts
LIKES- sweets, being comfort, L/I, Friends/team, cookies, Piano music, drawing, saying random facts, Hand to hand Combat, anime, a hope for redemption, Flowers + helping others
DISLIKES- Arguments, Failure, Fire, Very bright lights, too much pink, pies, bad hair, friends looking like the crawled from a grave, perverts + the nickname Easy
POWERS- Healing, can heal every living being except plants + some creatures. Just No reviving the dead + other things that can get a healer in trouble...also another drawback is that the castor will be drowsy after use depending on how serious.
POWERS TRIGGERS-*idk what it should be*(I'd hope you don't mind that I'd put the background + personality together. I thought it will be easier to do them both)
EzeKie is a dedicated and highly intelligent boy back then(and now) with the determination to become the next Ruler. Despite coming from a very wealthy family, Kie is by no means snobbish, He is friendly and interactive with the rest of his past kingdom and he was eager to hold to keep his kingdom happy/safe.
During this time & now, his bubbly and supportive attitude shined through most by helping others improve.
While his outfit was intentionally designed to be revealing, Kie is actually rather innocent when it comes to such matters, as he is often annoyed by the perverted schemes he'd received from time to time during his time alive. Which the perverts used to call him Easy as in Easy prey for them. To wich Thankfully he'd know some combat back then.
During his time, the kingdom will have weekly computation. To which EzeKie participatedwhen old enough,12, in being defeated each time and scorned by his losses each time till he turned 16. Kie had loses confidence in himself by then. Tho it does does away when reciving comfort by the ones he loves temporarily.

WHERE ARE THEY FROM- A kingdom centuries ago
QUOTES- "I got this....I don't got this."
"*The betrayed* can we please talk. I'm so very sorry for what I'd done."
"So who want cookies and a hug?"

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