Forget It!

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**Levi's POV**
"Oi Eren!" I waved my hand calling the brat over with me and horse face. "Yes Levi?" Eren raised an eyebrow wondering why he was here.
"Do you know where Mikasa is?" Eren's eyes widen trying to understand the words.
"Excuse me? Were you just asking about my sister?" I had to push him away.
"Never mind brat. Come on Jean we wasted our time here." I left glancing back at Eren with a confused look on his face.
"Levi, why were you asking for Mikasa? I mean I know I told you I was over her and all but why do you want her?" He gave me a strange look.
"She isn't your typical girl you meet every day. She's completely different from any other girl I know." Jean didn't seem to follow what I was saying. "She isn't the same as her." He nodded. "I get you now Levi." We passed by the lockers and I noticed Mikasa's beautiful long black hair along with her smile. She looked at me but turned back to face Annie.
"You'll have to try harder Levi." Jean laughed.
"Don't worry, I know I'll get her."

***Mikasa's POV***
"I caught him staring at me again." I walked towards my locker pulling out my binder.
"Oh come on Mikasa." Annie giggled. "Its obvious that he likes you and you like him back right?" My cheeks started to feel warm as I placed the lock on my locker. "Mikasa, answer my question." She leaned against my locker.
"I..I really don't know." I began walking down the hall with Annie behind me.
"Mikasa we both know Levi has feelings toward you." She was next to me.
I took a deep breath. "To me yes, it does look like he likes me but I feel there is another girl and-" Annie cut me off.
"Petra died nearly three years ago. I know what you heard from her, but Levi doesn't look broken at all." I turned to face her with my voice filled with anger.
"Enough! Levi is broken in the inside! He may not show it but he is broken!" Soon there was a crowd surrounding us. "If you are just going to keep saying shit about Levi then your not my friend! I know Levi is the strongest and doesn't show emotion but deep inside he's breaking every Damn second!" I noticed Jean was staring at me but Levi wasn't with him. There was silence for a moment until Annie broke it. "I'm sorry." She took off running. I glanced back to look at Jean but he was already gone. The whole crowd had vanished. I walked slowly to the bathroom washing my face with water looking at myself in the mirror asking, "do I like him? The way I protected him. I defended him." I kept looking at my reflection. "Do I feel same towards him?" I shook my head. "Get your self together Mikasa. That shorty hurt your family. I can't forget what he did." I splashed water out of the sink onto the mirror with a few drops hitting the floor. "I need tp forget this." I grabbed my binder, rushing out the door to my first class which is Math. I walked through the door at the same time the bell rang. All eyes were on me. I took a deep breath and walked to my desk placing my binder on the desk.
"Pss Mikasa what happen in the hallway?" Sasha tapped my shoulder but I didn't bother looking back.
"Just forget it Sasha. It was nothing." She leaned back on her desk seeming still curious. I wanted to tell her straight up to forget it but Mr. Smith walked through the door. We opened up our textbook to learn about the walls that once protected us from the Titans. The whole class was completely silent. Only the tree banch hitting against the window glass, is all we heard. I spend two hours in Mr. Smith's class learning about history that didn't apply to me or anyone else. The bell rang for lunch and by stepping out the door with Sasha beside me, the whole lunch room was talking about what happen in the halls with me and Annie. They even mentioned Levi. Sasha looked at me all confused. "You said it was nothing."
"Forget it." We got in line to grab our lunch. "I'll tell you what happen when we eat outside." She nodded with agreement. "And just so I make myself clear," I grabbed myself a salad while Sasha had a tray full of meat and potato. "When I tell you what happen, don't even say I have feelings for him." Sasha took a bite out of her potato and chewed thoroughly which I think it met she understands. We took our food and walked outside with a couple of eyes on me, including Levi's.

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