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**Mikasa's POV**
Petra, why did you leave me letters? I countinued to keep up the pace with Eren until we finally reached Petra's room.
"Eren," he placed his hand on the door knob. "Yeah Mikasa?" I stared at the ground. "when I walk in the room, can you please leave." He opened the door letting me in first. "Yes I understand. The the letters are on the bed for you." He pointed toward the bed. "Take your time." I heard the door close behind me. It was silent. I stared at the letters with my name on it. Why? Why did she write me these. I walk to bed, sitting on the edge and picked up the letters. They all had dates. I opened the first one and pulled it out.
April 21
Dear Mikasa,
Wow when I first got here I thought I was going to be alone but I was wrong. You helped me with the boxes and even showed me around. That was really nice of you. I feel like me and you will get along well. Lets eat more together along with Eren.
Your partner,
Petra Ral

I continued to read others until one caught my attention. It talked about Levi.
May 26
Dear Mikasa,
Today Levi explained to me about the plans. He told me we were now going to enter Titan Territory. I'm scared. I know you will tell me to be brave, it just sounds like you but I also want to say that I've been with Corporal Levi for some time. Me and him have been staying up late at night, talking, laughing, and getting to know each other. He really isnt all that evil as you say. He has a kind heart. Mikasa I wish you knew the real him.
Your Partner,
Petra Ral

I do know how Levi is now. I love Levi but at the same time I feel like I'm betraying her. I read another later, which had the date before she died 3 years ago.
June 1st
Dear Mikasa,
I love Levi. I really love him. I want him to know. Please tell him I love him. But its okay if you dont. Mikasa, if you ever get a chance to read my letter please know that I.. I know you have feeling toward Levi. I saw you the other day, both of you two were alone. He was pulling you on top of him, laughing like it was no tomorrow. You seemed.. happy with him. I'm just.. just.. I want you happy Mikasa. You always have been a sister to me. I want my sister happy and with the guy she likes. Please dont hold back being with him because of me. I know one day I'll find someone else in this world for me. You and Levi belong together. I always loved you like my closest sister..

The letter wasn't finished. "Petra.." I felt tears ready to pour. "Petra no please..I.." I held the letter toward my chest and began to cry. It was true. I did tell Levi that Petra loved him but he didnt say anything. Petra told him she loved him.. but she died right after. I was ready to rip my heart out but the paper slipped out of my hands, turning to the back with more writting.
I told Levi I loved him.. he didnt feel the same. He loves you Mikasa..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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