One Thing Right

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A week passed by almost in the blink of an eye. Deku found that the days passed almost slowly because of the conflicting schedules of the two Alpha's. Kirishima worked all day helping the Bakugo's with the horses, finishing up chores around their farm while earning cash for all his efforts. Katsuki was taking classes up at U.A Collage to earn his bachalors degree in Literacy of Business so he could work towards starting his own business someday. Izuku, however, stayed at the house all day watching TV mostly. The Bakugo's didn't know about him yet and the Omega wanted to keep it like that just for the time being. It was hard enough on Katsuki and Eijirou but the Omega knew the relationship between his mother and the blond's. They grew up together, practically they were sisters as they knew everything about the other. Mitsuki never really gave that impression but Izuku could see past it. The truth was Inko was her best friend and to bring up all those memories for her in the shape of her son. Izuku shook his head thinking about it. She's probably forgot my mother by now, no sense in stirring the pot.

The Omega looked at the clock and groaned. The Alpha's wouldn't be back for another hour and Izuku was craving something to do. He flopped onto the couch face first and didn't move for a while hoping that the time would go by fast. It didn't. When he looked back up at the time only three minutes had passed and the greenette huffed. He needed a hobby and bad. Izuku looked over toward the kitchen and gave a tiny smile. He got to his feet and headed over. The Omega looked into the fridge and the pantry and started to get giddy.

The greenette always wanted to learn how to cook but was never taught. Mostly Midnight and Mic cooked for him so he didn't have too. His mind wandered back to the city and he missed the tall buildings. Izuku then thought of an idea and began to put his plan into action. He got all his necessary tools and food before getting to work.

Izuku didn't look back at the clock until he heard faint voices coming down the road. He looked at the time and back to double take. He looked around the kitchen and was horrified by the mess he had made. Flour was spilt everywhere, melted chocolate was stuck to every counter while there were a mountain of dishes in the sink. The Omega panicked when he heard the key go into the lock and turn.

The Alpha's could easily sense the Omega's distress when they opened the door. A bit nervous the Alpha's proceeded cautiously as they called for the greenette.

"Uh... I'll be there in a sec!" Izuku called out as he attempted to clean his mess before the blond could see. Katsuki was very protective of his kitchen and liked to keep things clean while Kirhsima always nagged for the blond to cook something. Deku started to wipe down the counters and put things away but was caught by surprise when the Alphas found him. Katsuki looked like he want to be mad but the way the Omega held a thousand things in his arms, flour matted on his face, and the sheer amount embarrassment that dusted his cheeks made the blond cracked a smirk.

"How?" Kirishima gazed in awe at the kitchen.

"I just wanted to make you both something for when you got home," the Omega whined. The red head received a smack on the back of his head from the blond. The Alpha stepped closer to the Omega as the red head rubbed his head to sooth a sting of the hit. Bakugo clicked his tongue before looking down at the greenette who had froze like a deer in headlights.

"Dumb Deku," Katsuki sniffed as grabbed the items from his hands and started to put them away. He said nothing else as he wiped away flour and chocolate. Izuku started scrubbing dishes as Eijirou snuck away on tip toes.

"Kiri!" Izuku whined and the red head shrugged before dashing to their bedroom. The greenette chuckled as he scrubbed at a pot. The blond snorted as he mumbled to himself. When they finished Katsuki's phone dinged notifying him of a text. The blond tried to ignore it but the Omega snatched his phone from the counter and opened it with ease.

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