The Dark☁️(Dnf)

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Tw, er idk✌️
George pov

Me Dream and Sapnap were sitting in the living room watching a movie dream sitting in the middle sap on the left me on the right watching who knows what some sort of anime Sap put on

"Hey dream. I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go lay down." He softly moves his head to look at me "ok. Goodnight George" with his stupid smile he does

Walking to my room I see it's really dark down the hallway and I don't like the dark so I sprint to my room loud creeks can be heard from the loose floorboards

I sigh in relief as i get in my room the light already on

I reach for my phone and sit on my bed I reach over grabbing my charger and plugging my phone in

Quickly and softly I throw the blanket over my body and roll over and close my eyes

Dream pov

I was falling asleep when George got up and said " hey dream. I'm tired I think I'm gonna go lay down." I pick my head up from the spot it's been laying for almost an hour " ok. Good night George." I said before returning to the spot, I was just laying in

Not even two minutes later, I hear, creaking from the floorboards down the hallway I just assumed it was George and brushed it off.

Two hours later

I get tired of laying in this position I've been laying here for almost 4 hours straight. Sapnap still knocked out by my side I get up try not to wake the raven haired boy

I am now walking down the hallway when I see George's light turn on from underneath of the door I softly Creek open the door to see that George was asleep, so I shook my head and brushed it off, and I reached for the light and turn it off

" good night, George" I whisper I turn to shut the door when I hear whimpers a peek back in to see George? Crying? I can't tell. "George? Hey. Are you ok?"

I walk over to him and he's crying. I lean down now sitting on his bed. "G-George are you ok?" He burrows back into his nest of blankets and pillows and says, "Y-Yeah I'm fin-e" he said while sniffling

"... did I do something? I can tell you upset..?" he emerges from the Sea of blankets and looks at me red and puffy eyes it breaks my heart to see him crying so I put my hand out to his face and wipe his tears "n-no can you turn the light back on p-lease?"

He looks as if he was about to cry again.. than it clicks he scared of the dark.. "oh god I'm stupid- I'm so sorry George I shouldn't have came in here I'm sorry I'll go"

I said after turning on the light "Wait! Please Dream.." I open the door again and peek it to see a tear falling down George's face "please come back I don't want to be alone.."

I walk back over to him and sit on his bed and he picks up the blankets to let me in his bed, I happily accept not even five minutes later I'm the big spoon and he's the little spoon I chuckled a little at the position where in

I feel his breath go steady, and his eyes were
Close so I can only assume he was asleep that was when I close my eyes, and slowly drifted off


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