INSANITY 🖤 (no ship!)

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Third person pov!!!:o

Dream sat on his bed eye twitching crazy thoughts running through his head, "murder them~" his eyes went wide, he was scared of his own thoughts he grew his hands to his head and grabbed his hair pulling as hard as he could trying to stop the thoughts that seemed impossible to get out, "NO-"

he was now almost screaming the pain of the voices and pulling at his scalp being almost to much to handle "kill them both~"

The thoughts becoming to much for him to handle he caved after a long and hard battle with his thoughts..

He stood up in less than a second be lining towards the kitchen, once he arrived he grabbed the biggest knife..

The butcher knife, the sharpest knife he could have grabbed.  He slowly turned he head his dark forest eyes shining in the dark of the midnight moon his head twitching

He started walking, taking everything in around him, how the hot summer air burned his nose he liked how it burned though.  he felt the wood floor under his feet.

He always knew he was different from always trying to kill little animals smaller them him to wanting to drown his friends in his pool

His hand twitching as he stood outside of George's door the door that they all painted in the living room together he ran his hands over the painted hand prints

He felt the fingerprints that are now forever on the door.

He opened the door slowly as to not make a noise and wake his sleeping friend he slowly took short strides over to he older man's bed

"Oh George~"

He said moving George's hair out of his face, his one eye twitching again.  George not moving in his bed barely awake he looked up at Dream

"Mmm- Dream? What are you doing?" He questioned looked at the taller, him just flashing a quick smile and dull eyes

He stood up and crawled on to George him now on his back "D-Dream- Please get off" he said scared

Dream grabbed the knife his hands now sweating?  He doesn't know why though he's killed so many Cats and Dogs why his he second guessing now? At least he was until he heard the voice again "DO IT NOW~" 

And with that he brought the knife above his head, George's eyes went wide "DRE-" he was cut off by Dream bringing the knife down into his chest and throat.

Blood pouring out of George as he cried out but he couldn't make a sound as Dream has hit his Vocal cords,

he took it out of his body and brought it back down harder than before tearing through the soft milky skin, he was in love with the sight before him, blood now all over Dreams face and shirt

Dream smiled as he saw the life in George's eyes drain as he was choking of his own blood, tears pouring out of his eyes he took the knife out and stabbed him again and again he was loving every second of this

Once he was done with his man he grabbed his face and smiled at the beautiful art he had made he licked his own lips and got off the bed

Walking to the door "ah you look beautiful Georgie~" he closed the boot and began his journey upstairs back to Sapnaps room

He was counting the stairs as he walked up there was fifteen and he knew that.
















He smiled and looked up at the hallway that had pictures of all three of them he smiled at those times he loved them

And would cherish those memories forever, his head twitched once more as he reached the younger man's door opening it happily knowing what was coming next

"Oh Sap~" he did the same thing he did to George and brushed his hair out of his face only this time he did not wake up like George.

Dream frowned and picked the knife up to Sapnaps face and slid it down his cheek followed by blood coming out of his face

"AH-" Sapnaps eyes shot open "SHIT DREAM WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" He growled at the taller man in front of him it was to dark but the thought he saw something on the olders face

"D-Dream dude are you alright??" He questioned until he saw what Dream was holding "o-oh shit- Dream dude" it was only then did the moonlight his perfectly so he could see Dream in all his glory

Blood all over his face and shirt he was smiling like a freak his hair looking like he just woke up eye twitching like crazy

"Dream.. please don't-" he said softly still holding his cheek that was still bleeding, tears forming in his eyes "Shut. the. fuck. up." he angrily growled at his friend.

And with that he picked up the knife and threw it at Sapnaps head hitting right in the middle of his eyebrows killing him almost instantly.

once he took the knife out of the raven haired boy he started stabbing his chest, blood pouring out of him.

Once he was done he grabbed the knife and walked out of the man's room shutting the door behind him,

He was now walking to the bathroom smiling happily.

Once he stepped into the bathroom he looked in the mirror.  His eyes widened and it hit him all at once what he actually did,  he brought his hand to him face and "oh no.. OH NO NO GEORGE-" he screamed

Now running down the stairs to George's room "AHHH NO GEORGE PLEASE NO WAKE UP PLEASE" he screamed at the corpse of his now dead friend that he dearly loved

He jumped up and grabbed the phone "Hello 911 what's your emergency?" He had tears running down his face "I KILLED THEM HELP PLEASE" "w-what? Sir what happened?" She asked in a nice voice that was supposed to help but really wasn't "I KILLED GEORGE A-AND SAPNAP OH GOD I-I-I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED I WAS IN MY ROOM AND I JUST.. HELP please..." his voice gave out as he walked back into the kitchen and grabbed another knife.

"I'm sorry, tell that to George and Sapnaps parents..." he said it to the phone hearing the lady yells at him to not do anything and police were there right now.

He heard them telling him to open the door then he pulled the knife to his throat and cut.

Everything when black as his body fell to the floor.

Sooo.. how did you like it!:D I think I have a obsession with angst-😭😭

But I was mostly testing out third person pov here please tell me what I could do to make it better and please don't be a silent reader!
Please leave a vote and make sure to eat and drink something!!!

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