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(Back story)

"Y/N! Wake up!"

Y/N woke up as she slightly rubbed her eyes. The sun beamed threw her tent and she blocked the light with her hands. Her eyes scanned the room before getting up and running out her tent.

She ran to her mother who was cooking something over the fire. She mother turned to her before saying, "good morning, sleepy head!" "Good morning, mommy." Y/N replied, rubbing her eyes again.

Suddenly, her father came out of the woods and dropped the firewood onto the ground. "That took hours!" He complained, sitting on one of the near by logs. "Hi honey!" M/N greeted. "Hi sweetie. Hi my little rascal!" D/N said as he held out his arms to a sleepy Y/N.

Y/N ran into her fathers arms and hugged him. "How'd you sleep, dear?" He asked. "Good. I'm still tired though.." Y/N replied, laying her head on his chest.

"Aww, it's okay, but you have to wake up, okay?" Her dad looked at her. Y/N raised her head and nodded before escaping her fathers arms.

After their breakfast, Y/N was running around the campsit, happier then ever. "Can I go see Izuku? Can I? Can I? Can I?!" Y/N asked, 10x speed. "Yes sweetie! You can!" Her mother laughed.

"Yay!" Y/N shouted as she ran through the woods. "Don't get lost!" Her mothers voice faded as she ran through the woods. She eventually got to Izuku's village, thanks to her father, teaching her the way of the woods.

Y/N was a forest elf. This means she can control the earth, grow plants AKA make them bigger and better, talk to animals, and much more stuff.

Y/N nocked on Izuku's front door and Inko opened it. "Y/N? Why did you come this early? Izuku isn't raven awake yet!" Inko told her. "I'll wait auntie! It's okay!" Y/N replied.

Inko shrugged before letting her in. Y/N sat on her couch and waited patiently. Ink went straight to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat, Y/N?" Inko asked.

"No thank you! I already ate!" Y/N replied, kicking her legs back and forth. "Alright! Just tell me if your hungry!" Inko told her before going back to making Izuku's breakfast.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, Izuku opened the door to his bedroom and was surprised. "Y/N!!" He shouted as he tackled her onto the couch. Y/N and Izuku were best friends ever since they were super little. Inko knew Y/N's mom since they were just teens so that made it to where their kids would already know each other.

"Come on Y/N! Let's eat!" Izuku said as he grabbed onto Y/N's wrists. "But Izu! I already ate!" Y/N replied but Izuku had already took her off the couch and too the table.

After Izuku was finished eating, Y/N and Izuku ran outside to play. While they were playing, a red haired boy came over. "H-Hi! I'm Kirishima! And I was wondering if I could play with you guys.." The boy mumbled.

Y/N and Izuku looked at each other and looked back at the boy. "Of course you can!" Y/N shouted. The boys face lit up before saying, "Really?!" "Yeah! We don't mind!" Y/N replied. "Yay!" The boy shouted.

The boy ran over to Y/N and Izuku and started to play with them. After a while, Y/N asked, "do you guys wanna play tag?" "Yeah!" "Sure!" The two replied. "Okay! Who's gonna be it?" Y/N asked. The two boys looked at each other, looked back at Y/N and then said, "not me!"

Y/N rolled her eyes before putting her feet in. "Come on!" Y/N shouted. The two boys put their feet in while Y/N did her thing.

"Car, car, crash, out!" Y/N's finger landed on Kirishima as she waved her hand, signaling Kirishima to take his foot out. Kirishima did as he was told and moved his foot out. After a while of repeating the same thing over and over, Izuku's foot was the last one.

"Aww man!" Izuku said as the two started to run. "Hey! You guys get back here!" Izuku yelled as he chased after them. The two kids ran threw the town and eventually ended up in a darkish alleyway.

Y/N and Kirishima hid behind a couple of boxes and hit their backs up against the alleyway wall. As they panted, they heard Izuku searching. "Do you think he'll find us-" Kirishima was cut off by Y/N's had going onto his mouth.

Izuku's footsteps echoed in the alleyway. Suddenly, bigger and louder footsteps entered the alleyway and they heard a sudden thump. Y/N peaked her head from out from the boxes and seen Izuku on the floor along with an ash blond standing over him.

"Who are you?!" Izuku asked, loudly and about to cry. "I'm gonna be king! So call me that!" The blond stated as Izuku backed up. Y/N got up from the boxes and walked up to the blond, pushing him.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing withy my friend!" Y/N shouted. "I was telling him that I'm gonna be king and-" "well, you're not acting like a king! You're acting like a total jerk!" Y/N interrupted.

The blond rolled his eyes before stomping out of the alleyway. Y/N helped Izuku up and he dusted himself off. Kirishima came out of the boxes and walked over to the two. "What happened?" Kirishima asked.

"Some stupid blond idiot came and bullied Izuku!" Y/N shouted as she looked out into the crowd of people who were shopping at certain stores.

"Oh..are you okay?" Kirishima asked Izuku. "Yeah I'm fine! I just..was startled! That's all.." Izuku responded. "Oh okay..Do you guys wanna still play?" Kirishima asked again. "Sure.." Y/N mumbled. "Well, Y/N is it!" Kirishima shouted as he grabbed Izuku's wrist and started to run.

"Hey! This ain't fair!" She shouted but then chased after them.


After a while of running, they finally settled down and sat on the ground. "That was so much fun! Hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Kirishima shouted. "Same to you, Kirishima!" Y/N replied as she watched Kirishima run back to his house.

"I should head home to, Izu! I'll see you tomorrow!" Y/N shouted as she waved by and walked into the woods. As she was walking, she could hear the sudden movements in the bushes.

She turned to them and pulled out her hand made knife that would help her with self defense. She held it out and watched as the bushes moved and a small bear came crawling out.

She slowly put the self defense tool away and walked slowly towards the bear. The bear put its head down and let her pet it. "Aww! You're so cute! I'm gonna call you.." Y/N thought of a name for a second, "Adoraa!"

The bear growled in satisfaction and started to walk back with Y/N to camp. When she returned home, her mother and father were shocked to see her with a bear.

"Wow! Y/N huh! W-We're supposed to eat that! Not make it a pet!" Her father told her. "Oh come on, daddy! It's just a bear! Actually, her name is Adoraa!" Y/N told her father as he looked at her in confusion.

"Oh honey! Maybe we should keep it! It makes Y/N happy so we could keep it for at least a while!" Her mother insisted. "Oh alright! Fine you can keep her!" Her father said as he went and picked her up and threw her into the air.

Suddenly, two more bears, except bigger, came walking and stood next to Adoraa. "Oh look, daddy! It's her parents!" Y/N told her father as she struggled to get out of her grip.

"Let's keep them too!" Y/N begged and looked into her fathers eyes. She was using her puppy eyes which always made it where she would get her way.

"Ugh fine! They can stay but they aren't sleeping in the tents!" Her father said, standing next to one of the bears. "I'll call this one...Draco!" D/N said as he patted one of the bears on the back. "And I'll call her...Evelyn!" M/N told everyone as she petted Evelyn on the head.

"Okay so Adoraa, Draco, and Evelyn! The perfect bear family for the perfect human family!" Y/N said happily. Her father chuckled before picking her up and taking her to her tent.

Her mother smiled as she followed behind them. The bears plopped down onto the dirt and cuddle up against each other before their eyes slowly closed and they drifted off to sleep.

Y/N and her parents all snuggled up into their small tent before slowly drifting off to sleep. The sound of the wind, the near by animals that creaked in the woods, everything that was going on, made Y/N fall into a deep slumber.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now