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You walked down the aisle and stared at Todoroki who was at the end. The look of regret on his face was readable. You then looked at your father who was walking you down. He stared at you like he was going to kill you if you did something bad.

Once you reached the end of the aisle, you and Todoroki held hands. You looked away and so did Todoroki. You weren't listening to the beginning parts but you started to listen when you heard those words you weren't looking forward to hear..

"Prince Todoroki, would you take Princess Y/N to be your wife?" "I do." Todoroki said hesitantly. "Princess Y/N, would you take Prince Todoroki to be your husband?"

"I uhm," you turned to your dad who was staring at you but also talking to some people. "I can't do this!" you yelled and ran away. Todoroki slightly said yes before calming down everyone.

You ran into the forest, bugs crawling around you and a bunch of trees stabbing your sides. You eventually fell to the floor, thinking of Katsuki. You bursted into tears and imagined him next to you again.

You started to wander through the woods while still crying. You then found the cottage that you had so many memories in. You saw the footprints of yours, Katsuki's, and Kirishima's. You even saw Adoraa's.

You whispered to yourself, "I wish you guys were here.."

"We are."

You turned around quickly to see Katsuki, Adoraa, and Kirishima. "Omg.." you mumbled before getting up and running to Katsuki. "I thought you were dead!?" You said confused. "Kings never die dumb, we die cooler than that." He told you.

You chuckled and turned to Kirishima and Adoraa. You hugged the two of them and turned back to Katsuki. You kissed him in front of both of them and he kissed back. "FINALLY!!" Kirishima yelled, clapping which made you laugh.

Suddenly, the sound of a carriage and horse shoes clicking came through the woods. "Do I need to destroy your boyfriend now dear?" Your father revealed himself. "If your going to destroy him, you have to destroy me." You replied, getting in front of Katsuki. "Get through us!" Kirishima added and got beside you along with Adoraa growling.

"Alright then! Guards!" Your father yelled. Guards got off their horses and started to charge towards you guys. One of you guys fought each guard but one got too close to Adoraa and stabbed her in the stomach.

"Adoraa!" You shouted but got slashed in the knee. "Y/N!!" Katsuki shouted but still fought the guard. You limped as you ran over to Adoraa who was moaning in pain.

"D-Don't worry! Everything is gonna be fine! You're going to be just fine!" You panicked as you said it. You ripped a large piece of your wedding dress and wrapped around Adoraa's big body.

You pushed onto the wound and Adoraa groaned. "See! It's gonna be okay!" You said as tears started to form. Suddenly, Adoraa stopped moving. "A-Adoraa?!" You stuttered shaking her. She didn't move but her eyes stayed open.

"Adoraa!!" There was pain in your voice as you yelled and shook her as tears streamed down your face. You looked up and screamed into the sky above. You used the ground to pick up her body and you called for a animal.

Another beer showed up and looked at Adoraa's body. "Take her too any doctor!" You ordered. The bear nodded and you threw Adoraa onto the bear. The bear ran to the nearby village.

You then glared at your father like you weee gonna kill him. The carriage that he was riding suddenly flew into the air and slammed onto the ground. You then rose the two guards off the ground and into the air.

Katsuki and Kirishima watched you, shocked. "Holy shit she's mad.." Kirishima whispered to Katsuki. You held out your hand to Katsuki and he knew right away that you needed his sword.

He threw it to you and you caught it as you walked to you weeping father. You pointed the sword to his chest and used the vines to hold him down. "So dad, you want me to live my life? Or do you want to end up as Adoraa's next lunch?" You held the sword to his neck.

"I-I'll leave you alone! Please! Spar my life!" He begged. You swung the sword away and made the vines disappear. Your father stumbled as he got up and ran.

You laughed as he did. Katsuki picked you up from behind and swung you into the air. "That was badass!" Kirishima yelled from behind him. "It was." Katsuki mumbled as he put you down.

"Thanks." You replied, "now, I can finally be free!" You yelled getting onto your knees. You got up and looked at Katsuki. "And I can finally be yours." You mumbled before kissing Katsuki. He kissed back and Kirishima cheered.


After a couple of weeks, Adoraa was back up on her feet. You obviously went to visit your mom but your father was banned from being king because obviously he was horrible at it. You and Katsuki grew closer and closer over the years you've guys been with each other.

You also got to visit Izuku again which made you happy. You were finally free. You thought of it all time which made you weird to Katsuki but you thought of it as a good thing.

You, Katsuki, Kirishima, and Adoraa all were walking in the woods one day. It was about the end of the after noon and it was about to be evening. You guys reached the grass and sat down.

"Today was fun!" Kirishima said. "I know right!" You responded. "You guys are weird. All we did was go say hi to Deku, go in the lake, and climb a mountain. How the hell do you find that fun?!" Katsuki asked, annoyed.

"I don't know Katsuki, maybe you're the one who is weird." You teased. Katsuki rolled his eyes and Kirishima laughed. "I'm looking forward to more adventures with you guys." Kirishima mumbled but everyone still heard.

Adoraa growled basically saying she agrees. You laid your head on Katsuki's shoulder and looked out into the sunset. You just imagined what life was going to be like with your friends.

Matter a fact, your family...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now