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The past few months, Y/N has been with Katsuki and Kirishima. Her bond with the two grew and grew over the months. Meanwhile with her father, he has been searching for her. The wedding of Prince Todoroki and Princess Y/N were in a couple of days. He was super stressed about it and grew more and more mad.

Prince Todoroki wasn't looking forward to the marriage, neither was Y/N but they had no choice. That's exactly why Y/N ran away and Todoroki was super happy. He wasn't happy because she was gone, he was happy because maybe she wouldn't show up to the wedding and that means they wouldn't get married.

Y/N was skipping along to the usual lake they would go. "Y/N don't go too far." Katsuki said to Y/N who was getting smaller and smaller to them. Adoraa was next to Y/N so she made sure Y/N wouldn't go anywhere far.

They all eventually made it to the lake and Y/N dipped her feet in. Adoraa sat next to her and dipped her paw in the water. Katsuki and Kirishima came behind them and sat down. The two dipped their feet in and felt Y/N kick her feet.

"This is so peaceful! Life with you guys is just...beautiful.." Y/N mumbled but everyone heard. Adoraa growled in a way that made Y/N smiled. Katsuki looked at Y/N. In the past few months, Katsuki's crush for Y/N grew until his heart was only filled with her.

He smiled slightly before snapping out of his daydreams. Y/N laid her head on his shoulder and rested her body up against his. A slight pink flew across his cheeks as his head fell onto hers. Kirishima looked over and smirked.

"Aww! Love birds!~" Kiri teased. Y/N and Katsuki went out of the position they were in and looked at Kirishima who was laughing his ass off.

"THATS NOT FUNNY!! PLUS WE DONT EVEN LIKE EACH OTHER SHITTY SCALES!!" Katsuki yelled but Kirishima just rolled his eyes in disbelief. "Usually Kiri, I would stick up for you but today is just no." Y/N told him.

Kirishima laughed before he looked in the water and saw the animals swimming, peacefully. Y/N and Katsuki did the same. Katsuki didn't like to admit this but, this would calm him down.

The sound of the water moving, the slight feeling of the fishes swim around his feet, that calmed him. He took a deep breath in and it felt like all his responsibilities fell off his shoulders.

Y/N took a deep breath in after him and laid her head on his shoulder once again. She closed her eyes and imagined it was just the people who actually made her feel good about herself in the world.

Soon she fell asleep. Katsuki turned his head and saw her sleeping, peacefully. He then shook her a little which caused her to wake up. "Hmm?" She asked. "I um, think it's getting time to go." He said as he shook his feet off a little and put his shoes back on.

Everyone did the same and started to walk back home.


Once they reached home, Y/N plopped onto the couch and fell asleep. Katsuki laid on his bed and just stared at the ceiling and Kirishima went to go talk to the village people. There was a small village near the cottage so Kirishima would go there to get supplies or talk to some people.

Katsuki soon fell asleep after staring into space for a minute. His dream was he became king, like an actual king. His fans cheering his name and Y/N being his queen.

His dream was like that for a minute before some banging on the door. He felt like he couldn't move so he just stayed like until he heard the door slam.


I woke up to loud banging. I thought Katsuki was going to answer it but he didn't. I guess he was sleeping. I didn't see Kirishima anywhere so I thought he left and that was him at the door.

I got up and rubbed my eyes before walking to the door and opening it.

My father

My father stood right there and I saw soldiers holding back Adoraa in a cage. "Finally my dear! I found you!" My father said as he bent down from his horse and held my face. I smacked his hands away and backed up.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to get married!" I yelled making him back up. "Aww but honey, you have to. And you have no choice." He told me. "You're not taking me! I'm staying here!" I told him.

"Oh then, I guess I'll have to make you. Guards." He ordered the guards to come and grab me. One of them grabbed my right arm and the other grabbed my left. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled but they wouldn't listen and threw me onto a horse.

They tied me up so I couldn't move. Tears came down my eyes like a water fall. I screamed and cried for Katsuki but he wouldn't wake up. "Don't expect him to save you. You'll be married and forget about him." My father told me.

The horses started to walk away. The cottage got smaller and smaller and soon, it was gone. I tried everything to get out but nothing would work. I gave up and closed my eyes, hoping that this was all a dream but it wasn't.

Everything became quiet and I fell asleep. Hoping that Katsuki would realize I'm gone and come for me..

(3rd person)

Katsuki woke up, sweating like dog. Kirishima had just got home and asked where Y/N and Adoraa was. Katsuki looked around everywhere, not answering Kirishima's question. "They took her.." Katsuki said panting.

"Who?" Kirishima asked, confused. "Her father. He took them both! So Y/N can marry the prince! We have to go find her!" I replied, running out. "Wait! Ugh!" Kirishima groaned as he chased after me.

I told him to turn into a dragon and he did. I climbed onto his back and yelled for him to start flying. Haft way there, he suddenly turned back into a human in mid air.

"Oh, shit-" I was cut off by us falling down. Luckily, I used my cape as a parachute and fell down to safety. I glanced at Kirishima who was perfectly fine.

We then started the journey to get Y/N back and get her out of that dumb marriage.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now