[3] Mr Nerd Vs Miss Nerdie

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As I entered my house, I was greeted by silence. Parental guidance or family love is something I didn't get ever in my life so I am used to it. I wish I had a nice life where there was no freaking bitch like Melissa.

I checked out my face on the mirror that was placed in the corridor. My mom actually decided to keep it there so that whenever she will go out for any party or something she can have a last look at herself before getting out. She looks the same no matter how much powder she uses on her face.

  I noticed that the bleeding has stopped but there was a small cut on my lips. It looks really bad, I need to clean it up before any infection occurs. Aww my little nose, how dare that bitch punches me like that. Other than this there are several scratches on my hands and legs.

"Who had brought this animal from zoo?" I looked up and my gaze landed on a tall blue eyed guy with messy golden brown hair.

"Shut up Cameron." I snapped. Not really in mood to deal with him.

Need some explanations here. Well Cameron's parents died a few years back. Since he has no other relatives and was left alone like an orphan, my father decided to bring him at our house. Cameron's and my father were good old buddies so Dad couldn't let his best friend's son rot alone in an orphanage.

"It seems nerdie is angry today." I glared at him for saying that word. Even at home if your hear that word don't you think life becomes a living hell.

Since my parents are never at home I am always alone with this weird guy. And he knows very well how to get on my nerves. But at the end of the day it is Cameron with whom I share my feelings and problems.

"Can't you shut your blunt mouth. I am not in mood right now." I marched up to the kitchen to get some water. Not a single drop of water dropped down my throat since the fight.

Following me into the kitchen, Cam leaned on the kitchen island and smirked, "Can I know how did you get so many bruises? Don't tell me you had some wild sex at school."

I glared at him again. He was wearing his boxers, only boxers. Can you believe that? He never seems to feel a bit uncomfortable in front of me walking half naked around the house. We have known each other only for three years but that doesn't means he will run around naked.

"Then you had sex with the janitor and then the janitor's's wife clawed you like that for seducing her husband."

That caused me to glare at him again. I don't like arguing with him when he talks about sex because he is capable of turning the conversation into Do-you-want-to-have-sex-with-me. He has got a dirty mind.( I don't mean dirty in a negative way like rape and all)

Since we are of opposite gender with no strings attached, I don't know what happens when I hear the word sex coming from his mouth. It just send chills down my spine.

"Okay then let me guess." He looked at the ceiling and tapped his chin to show he was thinking. I am pretty sure he will again come up with sex.

"Now I get it. You have become a lesbian. Why didn't you tell me Audrey?"

"You are our of your mind." I replied casually. This is not something new coming from him.

As I attempted to get out, Cam stood in front of me with arms crossed across his chest. Funny, sexy, handsome, cute...none. He is an idiot.

"Get out of the way Cam." I could feel his eyes on me but I am too exhausted to face him. I need a good rest now and then need to study.

"What happened today?" He pushed my chin up softly to make me look at him. I noticed his blue eyes cutting through mine. They were full of concern for me. Cam is the only person who made me feel that I was important to him.

However I can never read his mind. At times he is so annoying and irritating and the next minute he is very serious and attentive. What the hell is wrong with this guy? If I stay with him throughout my life he will soon turn me mad.

"Nothing I got into a fight with Melissa."

"And then.."

"Then I kicked her ass and warned her." I answered monotonously.

"Thats like a good girl." Out of the blue, he hugged me tightly like I have won some battle.

Its not that I have never hugged him but now we are growing old. That means he is growing his muscular six packs while I am growing my tits. And when we press against each other I am 100% sure he could feel my chest.

I pushed him back and went upstairs. He didn't said anything else. I don't know how much he understands me but for me I never understand him. I can never make out what goes on his mind.


After taking a nap I feel so fresh. Today I have got a lot of homework, time to study now.

While attempting to draw my chair, so that I can sit and study. Something else caught my attention. Something lying on the floor. My eyes were wide open as soon as I realised what it was.

It was my black bra.

I picked it up and then noticed another one near the door. I folded up the one in hand and picked up the other one. Wow! Guess what. There is another one outside. I bent down to pick that up as well.

Thats when I noticed my dotted pink bra on the stair leading towards the hallway. Why are my undergarments lying on the floor suddenly? That made my mind struck only one thing. Cameron. Idiot. "Mr Cameron MCcoy, you are so dead today." I mumbled under my breath.

I made my way towards the stairs. When did he get so much time? I always lock my room. Then how the hell did he get my panties and bras. Doesn't he have any other work to do other than messing with my things.

If you are thinking that I must blush because a  guy like Cam has touched my panties, then I am not. Cause he comes in and goes out of my room millions of time. He can see my things anytime especially when I am at school.

There were different coloured undergarments on each step of the stair. I need a basket to carry all as I don't have space left in my hand. Is Cam out of his mind? What the fuck was he doing?

I dropped all the undergarments as I was tired of picking them up and followed the way where they led. Soon I found that it ended near Cam's bed room and there was a piece of paper neatly folded on the floor.

He did all this just to give me a simple note. "Grr.." I roared like an angry lion.

I picked it up and opened.

Heya Audy,

     My little bear. I am going to have a threesome at my friend's house. So don't worry about me. I will be back soon. Take care.

P.S. I checked out your beautiful undergarments in the morning. They smell great. So I thought of setting up this little prank for you. Have a good night!

I crumpled the paper in my hand. Cam I am gonna kill you now. He could have left a note or text. Whats the use of taking out my undergarments. I am girl and people don't line up girl's bra on the floor to leave a note. What was going on in his mind when he did this.

I will kill Cam today. Let him come back.


I tried to write about Cameron in this chapter.

So what do you think about him?

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