[6] Mr Nerd Vs Miss Nerdie

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I looked at myself in the mirror. What should I wear for the date? I have never been to one before. Yes, I have seen movies and have also heard Cam babble about his dates but when I am looking at myself in the mirror again, I don't feel very confident. I am a mess.

What if I make a fool of myself or if I feel nervous? What will happen if I accidentally say something inappropriate? What if Seb gets bored? I don't even know what to wear yet.

Okay, maybe I am just over thinking. This is not a real date, I just need to get my head into studies.

                 I gave one last look at myself before splashing water on my face. I was exhausted after thinking so much last night. I couldn't sleep the entire night. And the thing is that I still find it hard to believe that I am actually going on a date. It always seemed like a dream that would never come true.

I am a nerd after all. Nobody would possibly want to date me, would they?

                 I sighed. I should not think so lowly about myself. Seb is also a nerd. So I guess I am going out with someone of equal standard. Its not a crime if a nerd goes out. We are hormonal teenagers as well.

I have hours left before the night. Seb and I decided that it was best to attend school first. I know its sounds nerdie but it can't be helped. 

Education first.

The bell rang outside signalling it was time for my next class. Hurriedly I picked my bag and made my way outside the washroom. Its hard to get through the corridors here especially the east swing. I don't know about other schools but here it looks like a stampede.

                             People are ready to crush you if you get in their way. As I made my way, a guy almost knocked me over with his baseball bat. I cocked my head down in time to protect myself. After eleven minutes of hazardous journey through the beloved corridors I reached my class at last.

Just like everyday my eyes roamed around to find my teacher and students of the class. However instead of Mrs. Scott and a class filled with students, the only sight that met my eyes was an empty class which looked like someone has abandoned it for a long time.

Where the hell is everyone? 

"Mrs.Scott has gone off to do some official work. She won't be back until next week," someone said beside me.

I turned my neck to face the person though her eyes were on the empty desks. I couldn't believe what I saw when my eyes first landed on her. She is here, right beside me. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times to ensure myself I was not dreaming..

Her face was blank. She was eerily quiet, the one who once used to talk so much is now quietly staring into the space. She used to be cheerful just like the others. We used to joke about the cheerleaders. She was so much fun then.

But not anymore, I guess.

"How are you Maria?" I asked after absorbing her features. 

"Better," she replied.

It felt like a year has passed since I heard her voice. She has changed a lot after that day, after everything happened. I tried to save her. I tried everything in my power.

            I was on the verge of crying after seeing her. Somehow I controlled my emotions and forced myself not to cry. I cannot ruin our moment. This is my chance to make her talk to me.

Maria Williams was a nerd like me. Besides Cam, Maria was more than a best friend to me. She was like my sister. I first met her in a birthday party of some kid. I found her crying in one corner all by herself.

Mr Nerd Vs Miss NerdieWhere stories live. Discover now