[4] Mr Nerd Vs Miss Nerdie

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"Well well, look who is here." I say in a little filmy tone as I approach the kitchen. Cameron was opening all the cupboards and fridge to find some food. But yesterday at night I made the maids clean all food stock so that Cam gets a good lesson.

"Where has everything gone? I am fucking hungry." He growls. I watch him as he places his hands on his hips in an exhausted manner. I cannot help but smile.

"Why your threesome mates didn't provide you with any food or you were so busy sucking their ass that you forgot to eat." I said in an innocent tone and constantly batted my eye lashes.

"So you have read the note." He gave me a knowing smirk and lifted up his chest as if he had beat me at something. I glared at him for a moment but then again resumed my fake innocent expression. My glares never work on him so why not try something new.

"Yes and see your poor luck. You didn't even get to eat the grilled chicken which Martha made specially for us. It was so yummy." I licked my bottom lips to show how much delicious the food was. ( By the way Martha is our cook, if you are wondering who she is). This time he glared. My innocent face trick is working on him.

"Stop making that face. You look like a --" He stopped mid sentence and smirked. He thinks I am a slut or whore or pimp or something. By living for such a long time with a person you can easily make out what the person is feeling or going to say. Gosh, he is so annoying.

"Well you should definitely check your face on the mirror because you look like a monkey." I retorted. I am not gonna let him win with that smirk and bitchy words.

"So you are the smartass here."

I stuck out my tongue at him, "And you are the dumbass."

This time Cam smiled wildly. Okay, I know what that smile means. Time to run now.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards my room but couldn't compete with his long legs. Eventually Cam paced up to me and jumped on me. "Let go of me." I yell as I try to get out of his grip.

"I am the dumbass. Huh..lets see how you get rid of this dumbass." He starts messing up with my hair while I also mess his hair as much as I can. But whats the use. He is a guy with short hair while I am a girl with long hair. I gave up at last. I don't want my hair to look like a ship wreck at the end of the day.

At last he let go of me and sat beside me. We sat there laughing at each other and making foolish expressions. It was so funny looking at Cam with his hair sticking out at different directions. We bickered for some time.

"Okay I will take you to school today as a form of sorry." I almost choked while laughing and looked at him disbelievingly. Have I slept on the wrong side of the bed.

"You giving lift and that to me. Am I dreaming?" I joked and he frowned.

"Come on, get ready." He smiled and marched towards his room. Weird guy.


I sat in the passenger seat and Cam started his car. I really don't need a ride because I already have so many cars but I couldn't tell him no when he offered to take me school. So I decided to make a small talk.

"Where were you yesterday? Do you really enjoy doing your stuff all the time?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second in the rear view mirror. "Being a nerd you sure have got a dirty mind." I noticed a cute smirk on his lips.

As his words processed quickly in my brain I glared at him. "Oh shut up and just tell me."

"I went at Jessica's house and we had a bit of party with a few friends." Jessica is Cameron's recent girlfriend. Last week only he asked her out. I have met her at a BBQ party where Cam forced me to go. She seemed nice and is very pretty.

"And you know what! she was a virgin." Cam continued to say excitedly. How did I forget how much he loves to do the dirty stuff. I looked outside the window at the usual scenery which I notice everyday while going to school.

"Was?" I asked still looking outside.

"We made out yesterday." He said in duh tone. I gave him a look of disgust and continued staring outside. Suddenly our car made a sharp turn and we went in the other direction. This road will never lead to my school and why are we taking up this road.

Instinct told me to punch Cam and I punched him hard. "Ow", Cam faked pain as if my soft blow did great harm to him.

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked frustrated. If this continues I will get late and I have got a very clean record of being present at school everyday. I have never made one day absent, not even when the weather was bad.

"We are going to a party." Cam replied with a big smile. I punched him again, this time harder than before. Before I can protest Cam started making his puppy dog eyes, "Please don't say no." He said in a baby voice.

I stifled a laugh looking at his girlie face. That was so cute. It was hard to say no to that face but I tried to keep up my temper.

"Sebastian will be there." He smirked. That took me off guard.

"How-d-do-y-yo-u-kn-kno-know?" I stammered. I think I completely made a fool out of myself by stammering. Now he will think that I like Sebastian. Suddenly my heart skipped a beat. I don't know whether it was for seeing Sebastian again or Cam knowing about me and Sebastian's friendship.

"I always watch you Audrey. Its you who never notice." Whats that supposed to mean? Cam is one of the biggest player and star quarterback at our school. We never talk to each other at school as we belong to different Status. Me in the nerd group and he in the classy group.

Cam's expression turned deep and dense which made it difficult to read his mind. I stayed silent trying to make out what did he mean. Ugh! he is a very different weird fellow whom I can never understand I think.


Thank you so much guys for all your love and support.

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I am sorry if I made any mistake :D

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