8. A Pea Leaves the Pod

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I didn't sleep much last night. The fight between Katie and James kept playing over and over in my head. I think that she hates me. I feel sorry for her though. With her background. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I moan and rub my eyes. I've been awake for awhile, I just haven't gotten up. The door opens and Casey enters. She is wearing a Fluro yellow dress that is just above her knees. It has shoulder sleeves. She is wearing white wedges. "Hi" she smiles and pulls the desk chair over. "Hey" I smile. It takes me a minute to realise that she's crying. "What's wrong?" I sit up. She smiles and wipes her eye. "I have really bad news" she sniffs. "I don't think any news can top off mine" I frown biting my lip. "My parents have decided that we are going on a holiday" she says. "That's great! Where are you going?" I smile. "That's not great. Jamie, we're not coming back" a sob escapes her throat. "What?" my voice trembles. "We're moving to New Orleans" Casey wipes her eyes again. "When do you leave?" I ask as I swallow a sob. "Tonight" she bursts into tears. I get up and wrap my arms around her. "It's going to be okay. You can call and Skype" I start to cry as well.


"Don't forget to call every night" I say as we sit in the waiting area at the airport. "I won't" she smiles. I pinch my arm for the millionth time. I keep hoping that this is just a dream. "Stop" James places a hand on my arm. "You'll hurt yourself" I look at him. "Everyone on flight 925 to New Orleans. Your plane is ready to board. Please come to the doors now" the announcer finishes. We get up and go to the doors. The lady scans Casey's pass and her family's passes. She hugs James while I hug her parents. Then she hugs me and James hugs her parents. "I love you so much" I sob. "I love you too" she sobs. We just stand there until they announce the final call for all passengers to board. "Okay" we pull away from each other. "I have to go" she smiles. "Bye" I raise my hand. She walks through the doors and turns around. She kisses her hand then holds it up. I feel James' arms come around my waist. I turn to face him and burst out in tears. We stand their while I cry for 2 other flights until James manages to pull me away from the airport. We go to the park and sit at one of the benches. It's dark but I don't want to go home. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. "Your an adult now" I sigh. "Yep" he replies. "Why do you still want to be with me?" I look at him. "Why would I not want to be with you?" he looks me in the eye. I raise my hand raise my fingers like I'm counting. "I am dying. I am an absolute pain in the ass to date. You are the most attractive guy in school, thousands of girls are drooling over you. I am the least attractive girl in school. Why don't you date one of the other girls? One that will stick around?" I put my hand down again. "You are not a pain in the ass to date. Those girls have already drowned in their drool. You are the most beautiful girl in scho, no, the world. You may be dying but I love you and no matter what you do will make me love you any less. Unless you say that I should get rid of my hair. Then we will have problems" he smiles. I giggle. "I recon I could do a good job of cutting it myself, though. Don't you think?" I grab a lock of it in my hand. He slaps it away. "No you would do a terrible job" he laughs and leans down and kisses me. Just as I think that my life is okay again, James' phone rings and so does mine. We pull back and sigh in annoyance. We answer at the same time. "Hello?" "Is this Jamison Kaylor speaking?" a female voice replies. I look at James "Yes it is. Is there a problem?" I ask. "Katie Sabine has tried to commit suicide. She is in the hospital" she says. "Okay I'm on my way" James and I hang up at the same time. "So much for a relaxing night" he says and we both get up and rush to his car.


When we arrive a lady shows us to Katie's room. She looks terrible. She is pale and her hair has been cut to just above her ears. "Oh my god" I gasp and bring a hand to my mouth. James goes straight to her side. "Hey" he says. She opens her eyes and looks at him, then me. "Get her out" she says firmly. James looks at me and then back at her. "Why?" he gently asks. "She can not see me like this. Get her out!" her voice raises. I walk towards her bed. "I have every right to be here. They called me as well you know" I snap. Usually I would be nicer but Katie has always been a bitch to me. So why should I be any better. That's when she starts to cry. "I'm usually so strong. I don't want you to see me when I'm weak. Especially with my hair like this" she sobs and I see James' grip tighten on her hand. "Everyone has been seen when they're weak. It shows how strong they truly are" I soften my tone a bit. "Your hair looks beautiful. I mean you saw me when I was tied to a chair and being attacked by your psycho boyfriend. I wasn't looking very strong there" I bite my lip at the thought. "But you looked so strong. In that situation I would've died from a heart attack. You didn't" she looks at me. "Hey" I walk to the other side of the bed and grab her free hand. "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't come in and hit him with a frying pan. You are the strongest person I have ever known" I smile. She smiles "Well, are you gonna ask?" "Ask what?" James replies for me. "What I did" she sits up and pulls her hands free from our grasp. She then pushes down the blankets. She pulls up her gown to reveal a bandage wrapped around her stomach. "I stabbed myself with the kitchen knife" she says. After we all get a look she pulls her gown down and lies under the blankets again. "You guys can go if you want" Katie bites her lip. "I'll be out by next week." I glance at James. "It's alright" he says. "I'll stay." "I'll go and get some drinks. What do you guys want?" I ask. "Coke please" James and Katie say at the same time. I smile and leave. I go to the cafeteria and get three bottles of come out of the fridge. I place them on the counter. "$10.50" the guy says. He doesn't sound like he wants to be here. I give him a 20 dollar note and 50 cents. "$9 change" he puts it on the counter. "Thanks" I mumble as I put the change in my pocket. I grab the drinks and head back to Katie's room. Just before I get to the door, someone jumps in front of me. "Sorry" they mumble. I look down and see a girl who can't be any older then 10. She has black hair tied in a side plait. I bend down so that I am eye level with her. "Hey" I say. She sniffs and wipes her eye. "What's wrong?" I put the drinks down and place a hand on her shoulder. "My sister. She passed out today" she sobs. "I'm sure she will be okay. I've passed out before. She will be her old self very soon" I smile. "No!" she screams. "Shhh" I look around. Someone probably thinks that I am trying to murder her. "She is going to a better place in a few days. Mummy and Daddy told me" she looks me in the eye. "What's your name?" I ask. "Gabrielle" she frowns. "I have to go. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers" she looks at me and starts to tune when I grab her arm. "Wait! I'll walk you to your sisters room" I pick up the drinks and stand up. She walks and I follow her. Her sisters room is only a couple rooms away from Katie's. When we walk in, Gabrielle runs into the arms of a tall woman with black shoulder length hair. I'm guessing that she's her mother. On the bed lays a girl who looks about 4. She has black hair that is fanned out across the pillow. "Hi" the lady says. I look up and smile. "Sorry, Gabrielle bumped into me in the hallway and she was crying. I just wanted to make sure she got back alright" I say. "I'm Addison. And that's Madison over there" Addison extends her hand and looks at Madison on the bed. "Jamison" I shake her hand. "Sorry about Gabrielle. She and Madison are very close" she smiles. "Its fine. I'm sorry but I have to go. I have someone in a few doors down" I start to leave. "Okay. Maybe we will bump into each other sometime?" she asks. "Yeah" I say and leave. Addison looks like the creepy kind of mother. I go into Katie's room to find James asleep in the chair. Katie is sitting up, reading the latest addition of Glamour magazine. She puts the magazine down when she sees me. I put the drinks down on the table and sit in the chair. I grab my bottle and take a sip. "You think that I am okay with you again" Katie says like its obvious. I look at her "Arn't you?" I feel stupid after saying that. "You may think that we are okay. But we are far from okay. I'm just doing it to keep James happy. I still don't want you to be with my brother. I have decided that I won't try and stop you anymore. I will never accept you and I can not wait until you die" she smiles and takes a sip of the coke. "Well lucky for you, you don't have to wait very long" I snap and leave the room with my drink.

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