9. Dramas

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My phone vibrates in my pocket as it rings. I get it out and answer it. "Hello?" I say. "Jamie, where are you?" James replies. "I don't know" I say. I bite my lip. I can't tell him about Katie. She is the only person that he will have after I am gone. I don't want to ruin their relationship, no matter how much it kills me. "What do you mean, you don't know!?" he sounds frustrated. "I'm fine. I promise" I say. If he knows where I am, then he will come and find me. I know him too well. "Why can't you tell me where you are?" he asks. "I just can't. Look I'll talk to you later, okay?" I sigh. "Promise me that you won't do anything stupid" he says. "I pinky promise" I squeeze my pinky as if he were here. "Okay. I love you" he sighs. "Love you too" I say and hang up. "Sorry" I say as I put my phone away. "That was my boyfriend" I smile. "That's fine. Your finished now" Addison tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "What happened to Madison? If you don't mind me asking" I ask. "She fainted. Didn't Gabrielle tell you?" she frowns. "She did, its just, Madison has a bruise on her forehead and a cut above her collarbone. You don't get that from fainting" I say. "How would you know?" Addison snaps. "I have fainted several times myself" I say and stare into her eyes. She breaks out in tears. "I didn't mean to. She scared me. I was cleaning and I hit her with..." she stops. "With what?" I sit forward in the chair. "A plate" she covers her mouth with her hand as she cries. "I told Gabrielle that she passed out. I don't want her seeing me as a monster. I am going to lose Madi and I don't want to lose her as well" she sobs. "It's okay" I try to comfort her. "No its not!" she yells and picks up the lamp and hits me in the head with it. I scream as I fall out of my chair onto the floor. I put my hand to where she hit me and take it away to reveal that it's covered in blood. I hear someone running towards the room. The door opens and I see James. "Jamie" he gasps and runs to my side. "What did you do!?" he yells at Addison. "I'm sorry" she sobs. "I am so sorry." James examines my bloody cheek. "Are you okay?" he asks. I nod and he wraps his arms around me. I look at the door and see a nurse arrive with Gabrielle. "Go back to Brianna" she says and comes over to me. James pulls back while she examines my face. "What happened?" she asks as she looks around the room. The bloody lamp lays on the floor. " I heard a scream and I came running in to see Jamie on the floor and her with the lamp in her hand" James tilts his head towards Addison during the last bit. "I'm so sorry" she keeps saying. "Okay. We need to to get you to another room" she says and helps me up. She takes James and I to an empty room. She gets a damp cloth and wipes my cheek. "You will be fine, just a scratch" she smiles and puts the cloth down. "Can I leave?" I ask. She nods and I leave the room. I go outside and James comes running after me. "Jamie! Where are you going?" he stops a metre away from me. "I don't know. Home maybe!" I snap. "What's wrong?" He says calmly. "I'm fine. I just want to go home" my eyes tear up. I try to blink them away before James notices. "Your not. Just tell me what's wrong. You know that you can trust me" he says. "Katie still hates me. I am just going to leave and let you two be happy" I nod and turn around. "She doesn't hate you. I would know if she did!" he yells. "No! You wouldn't! She is a deceiving bitch! She is playing you. I don't want to play her games anymore. I won't be one of her pawns!" I yell. He's taken back by that. I shrug my shoulders and start walking again. "Jamie!"" I hear him call after me. I stop and turn to face him. "Go back and comfort her. Tell her everything's going to be okay, I will be out of her life soon enough" I snap. "Don't say that!" James yells. His voice wobbles a bit and I realise that he is crying. He's not the one I'm angry with, why am I dumping it on him? "You may think that I am really strong, but I'm not. I am really struggling to live with the fact that you're going to die. I love you Jamison Bell Kaylour. I don't want to lose you" he sniffs. "I'm sorry" I say and go up to him. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his arms around me. He cries into my shoulder. "I'm still here" I start to cry as well. "I love you too. You can be sure as hell that I am not going down without a fight, okay?" I sob. "James!" someone yells. We pull away from each other and see a nurse running out of the hospital. James wipes the tears from his eyes. "It's Katie" she says. With a quick glance at me, he runs off, into the hospital again. I run after him. When I get to Katie's room, I see her, limp on the bed, pale as a sheet. I look and see James standing next to her. "James, I..." I start when he looks at me. "I have no one left. No blood relation" he says. I go up to him. "I'm so sorry" I say. "Can we leave?" he asks. "Sure" I take his hand and we exit the hospital. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I answer it. "Hello?" I say. "Jamison, you need to come home now" my father says. "Dad, is everything okay?" I ask, a bit worried. "No, your mother and I are just worried about you" he sighs. "I'm on my way" I say and hang up. "Is it alright if we go to my place?" I ask James. "Sure" he smiles and we go to his car.


"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I yell as James and I enter the house. "Jamie!" my mum exclaims and cuddles me. "Hi, ummm. Can James stay the night? Cool, thanks. Night" I smile and go to leave when mum stops me. "Wait. James can sleep in the spare room" she says. "No! He is sleeping in my room!" I yell. "Jamie, it's fine" James says. "No, it's not! I'm 17 mum! I think that I can handle sleeping with a boy!" I grab James' hand and drag him to my room. "Can we just lie on the bed without the TV on?" he asks. "Okay" I smile. We lie down on the bed. I kiss him on the forehead. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" he places a hand on my cheek. I end up falling asleep.

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