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I text my wife and got no response.  I looked at my watch. I told her I was here and I hoping she is taking a long nap . I was guessing because of the time.

I arrived and met with Joy's sister. She thanked me for coming. She asked how Laura, Frankie and Carlo were doing. I told her what I knew.  We went over there finances.  We took a break and ate lunch she ordered for me . She ordered me a small pizza and herself a sandwich and a bowl of soup. At least she ate some food and could hold it down. I cleaned the area. She went to take a nap while I continued on their taxes.  I told her this would take a few days especially since hough winery is a new account for our accounting firm.  Joy called me later that evening to thank me for coming on short notice especially cutting a much needed vacation. I told her it was okay because we put good friends first even if I cutting my vacation with loved ones. I said goodbye. 
I finally took a shower and went to bed.

The following morning Dorothy was up before Jane and would take her medicine with breakfast. She helped me make some French toast with sausage and fresh fruit with three expressos.

Morning babe. How's your leg? Itchy like crazy. I need something to put down the cast. No J, please turn this last one over. I will be right back to give you a medication for itching. We don't need you to get an infection or cause further problems if you cut yourself.
Jane I know the feeling.  How long do you have to have it on? Four half or 5  more weeks . They said I will get mine off in 4 weeks. We will be back to somewhat normal by then.

Maura returned with my anti itch medicine and she said it would kick in between 30 minutes to an hour. It would make me sleepy maybe but still no driving for me. She took the medicine with some water.  We ate our breakfast.  Dorothy took her pain pill and she didn't fall asleep so I cleaned up the kitchen. We left and drove us to Dorothy's office to pick up some paper work she needed to sign. 

I backed in the closest to the front door so Dorothy would have for to walk

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I backed in the closest to the front door so Dorothy would have for to walk.  We waited for her to sign the forms and she came back out. She said Julianne she should be coming in soon. We stopped at the farmers market at kaiser to get some more local honey for us all and some fresh fruit. We finally headed back to the house.

Oh she is here.

I backed in to the garage and Julianne came into the garage and slid the slide on the garage

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I backed in to the garage and Julianne came into the garage and slid the slide on the garage. 

I was wondering where you all went. I thought you would be asleep. No my buddy is adjusting to it. I needed to go the office to sign some paper work so Maura drove us there.  How did your account go? They liked it and I called Carlo to go ahead and do the next phase.  I deposited the first check too. I see you three went shopping.

We were inside already.

Maura told her that she did our laundry and it was dried and folded.  We just needs to put in the the truck.  Dorothy got her bag while I got all of the clothes and thanked Maura.  I stripped the bed and made the bed while my wife put the towels,  sheets, pillow cases and bathroom rug in the washing machine and started it.

I placed my wife's bag in the truck.  We decided to hang out for awhile and watch some comedy show on TV. We stayed for lunch which was leftovers trout, vegetables and chicken with ice tea.  Julianne did the clean up. We hugged them. Julianne took one of the jars of honey and some fresh fruit and thanks us for it and for taking care of Dorothy. We told her she was welcome and it was no problem. They left.

I called Eric and told him I would be returning tomorrow around 8. He said for me to be safe. He stated he was working around the house changing the batteries on the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide  detectors and was getting ready to go have dinner with his sister at TGIF's. I asked him to tell Rachel hello for me. We said we loved one another and ended our call

Maura switched the items from the washing machine to the dryer.  We decided to go to Janice and Amal's for game night.
We all decided we would play for fun. It was funny to see Jane bowl with one broken leg. Yilena and Janice teased her while the rest of laughed. We ended up leaving around ten and headed home to take a shower which we did. In the shower, we had dessert and Jane backed door me and I gave her a blow job. We finally went to bed and slept.

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