Chapter 2 - Our Baby ❤️

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It was around 2:30 am as Kanha woke up with Sayuri trying to stir him up as she moaned in pain... Kanha almost jumped & woke up on the bed as he immediately held her hand which she was using to wake him up as he saw Sayuri all sweaty & in pain as she weakly said, "I guess, I guess I'm in labour Kanha. It's paining. Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!!"

"Yes, yes... wait... relax Sayuri. Everything is ready. Jus wait. Everything will be fine okay.", said Kanha hurriedly as he ran towards the cupboard, picked up their hospital bag while Sayuri tried standing up as she screamed in pain. "Kanhaaaaaaa....."

Hearing her scream, everyone in house woke up and came running inside their room. Saroj ran towards Sayuri as Nakul immediately ran downstairs as he saw his bhabhi's situation, to get the car. Saroj helped Sayuri get up from the bed.

Kanha slipped her slippers under her feet as she wore them & looked at Kanha. "Kanha I'm scared, it is paining.. alotttt... Kanha... Baby... Kuch..." Kanha was too choked up on emotions as to what to say as he simply held her hand tightly, nodded in assurance & helped her walk downstairs.

Sayuri sat in the back seat of the car, while Kanha sat with her & Nakul drove off to the hospital. Saroj was with them as she asked Sayuri to take deep breaths. Kanha held her tightly as she whimpered in pain. Kanha immediately let out a short prayer to Krishna Ji for the well being of Sayuri & their child.

Sayuri screamed in pain as Kanha tried to help her in any way he could. She kept her head on his chest as she held him tightly as she screamed in pain. "Sayuri, Sayu deep breaths... Deep breaths... Sayu... Haan... Relax... We all are here and everything will be fine....", tried speaking Kanha as Sayuri again screamed in pain & was breathing heavily.

"Bhaiya, hospital!!!", screamed Nakul as he parked the car & ran inside to get a wheelchair. Saroj & Kanha helped Sayuri to get out of the car as Sayuri held onto Kanha's hand tightly.

She was covered in sweat as she already looked physically exhausted & could anytime burst into tears because of the pain. Kanha held her tightly as he looked in her eyes and said, "You can do this Sayu. You have done this for nine months & you can do this now. For the baby. Our baby." Kanha cupped her face with his hands as he touched his forehead with hers. Sayuri closed her eyes as she nodded and took her first calm breath.

Nakul brought in the wheelchair as Sayuri sat on it & Kanha drove her inside.

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