ᘛ Warmth in cold ᘚ

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Scorched Chica & Frostbear

Hot and coLd mute lovers bcuz yEs- :b


This was like, based off that Snowman song by Sia, and I was like .. why nOt we writE a stoRy-


It IS stiLl coLd aF, after all-

I like, wrote mosT of this in one sitting, and then the last three para's .. eveniNg, bcuz-

Let's just say, may God not even reward enemiEs with a thing as MigRAiNes, bcuz they are dEath-

Ruined my whole plan of publishing this yesterday-


... Soft, fluffy blanket of pure and white snow covering every inch of the ground like all earth belonged to it. A chilling breeze would occasionally blow and toss a few small particles of it around, making it all the more cooler than it already was. The sky had stopped bestowing the ground with it all by early morning, and now it was mostly at peace besides the sound of wind. All of it was, strangely serene.

Most of the humans by this point were tucked in their homes, safe and sound, maybe even sleeping. The last few that might've been outside were hours ago, and they all had settled in their spaces as well.

No different it was for most animals, they'd all sought shelter way before snowfall had begun, and hadn't yet come out of their hiding spots in fears they'd be buried and frozen in the snow -- that was, not even falling anymore. The whole earth was just, peaceful.

While, all living beings were at tranquil in this cold weather, there were still a few left outside, those that hadn't found themselves shelter. One of those in no doubt was a .. mass of red, brown and orange, stumbling around the complete white surrounding itself. The figure was that of a bird, judging by how the still somewhat intact face showed a beak ..  an animatronic mascot, perhaps. The rest of it was distinguishable by limbs and all, but all its parts were horribly out of shape by this continuously burning fire erupting from its insides.

Nature's abomination it was; the creature lived on this fire despite it appearing obvious it was destroying its form, and felt pain when it began to diminish. Right then, the warmth from its legs was being pulled away by the snow, which in return was melting to liquid within seconds, making this trial-line of its stroll, that had been going on for about too long now.

The cold affecting its burning fire was the very reason why it wasn't quiet, but rather continuously grunting and groaning in pain, its upper appendages curled around its torso as it tried to maintain the remaining warmth within it. Alongside, it was also surveying around on an occasional note, the orifices that held its orange eyes facing ahead, or any of the sides. It was as if it was looking for something .. or more, someone, even if it'd be odd to find anyone in such a freezing cold at this time of day.

As odd as it may be, and no matter how life-stealing, it was keeping on, determined by the looks of it.

After a long while of wandering without a possibly known direction, this figure's legs finally gave up, and weakened to the point it was forced to tumble down, with more of a muffled, pained sound escaping it, while a flame swiftly emitted from its back as a warning this would put it out altogether.

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