ᘛ A snippet ᘚ

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From something I discontinued even bEfore publishing it-

It's unedited-

This part of the story's just so fuN, imo. So, I thought I'd publish it before I end this book off as well-

Yes, you read that right- :1

Will give more context in the next chapter -


... Hours had ticked away since last they'd woken in this pitch black space, discovering their fates locked inside a dark and barren shell. The room was nothing like the places they were used to. There were no tables, party decorations. The floors were worn and scuffed by age, marred by dried remnants of different fluids they'd individually caught sight of amidst their waking process.

Foxy had claimed the place also reeked of rotten fish. The faulty aroma sensor etched into his framework had picked on a bitter scent within the first few moments of his wake. He was all bashful about it, knowing the others couldn't prove him wrong even if they willingly tried, because none of the rest were adapted with a sense of smell.

Then again, the 6'11 foot tall pirate hadn't smelt rotten fish in his life to know what the real thing would be like, so his claim was also just a hunch.

In the reign of darkness, the lights of their own optics were the sole source of illumination they had. Although Bonnie's red overpowered most by a great deal, most of the luminescence that was actually helpful had been the bright yellow irises of the russet vulpine. Anything they needed to know, Foxy would be called to look that way so they could make use of the light.

By far, the leader of the group—the large, brown bear mascot—Freddy, had claimed dibs on the boy the most. He'd ordered that Foxy stay by his side as he resolved some important business with his knees. Although it wasn't just the matter of lighting, and he could also use a set of eyes that were better at near-sighted vision to fix his problems, he blamed all his misfortune on the vulpine's hardly faint jerks of the head that he was mainly performing to not freeze up his neck motors.

Across, sitting in a subtle slouching posture, was another of the four animatronics, quietly watching the bear meddle with one of his kneecaps. The bird's head was rested on an arm over the knees, facing the direction of the male in almost a manner of judgement. She'd been like that for as long as the procedure had been, silently deeming Freddy's actions to be immature.

Several Freddy grumbles and snaps later, the female animatronic grew tired of transfixing on the sight. A faint, warbled huff came as she straightened herself, head slamming a tad too hard against the wall behind—the audible thunk of the action deemed so, Chi herself wasn't much affected.

All the same, Chica also murmured a set of words that unintentionally ignited a flicker of irritation in the bear's eyes. Consequently, he just narrowed his eyes, focusing more on a small wire poking out of his leg.

“You're wasting your time,”

“Thank you for the valuable piece of information, Chica,”

The comment elevated a snicker from Foxy's side, one he had to stifle and reduce to a snort when he noticed Chi's burning eyes pivoting his direction. He couldn't afford picking a fight in a small room where already visibility was limited. Despite the fact he could see better with his brighter optics, Chi still had the upper hand against him ... heh-

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