ᘛ Wisps of relief ( scenario 2 ) ᘚ

80 3 7

Freddy and Chica

Just can't keep me from jotting down another of thEsE- :^

Okay, keeping it short, prompt is again, employees violating old FeDdy, and so he goes all anGy once again, so ducKie goes in to calm him down-

Lesson learned: Just, don't do maintenance on him until and unless he bEgs for it-



The room quivered with the impact on the door, the remainder of its sound resonating for a few fractions of a second. The source behind it had entered in a frenzied state, his mind overcrowded with unbridled rage and anxiety, all at once.

Following shortly behind, the door opened again, this time it was dealt with a tad more politely, as if having been soothed after fighting an intense battle. Quietly shutting it behind her, she'd rushed forward to his aid, knowing damn well the outcome would be him snapping at her for not coming to intercept. Was she concerned about it though? Not even in the slightest. All her worries and concerns started and ended on him for the time.

It took only a brush of her fingers against his shoulder for him to lose his control. Whipping back, the first thing he straight up yelled at her was a 'Why!'. His eyes were bright with aggression, piercing into her very being. They made her shrink, before her hands raised in front of her to shield herself from any onslaught. " Freddy. Easy ..."

" You let them touch me! You know how I feel about repairs! "

" Freddy . . ." Her voice was the tonal opposite of his own, quieter, and calmer. She'd known him long enough to have an idea shouting back wasn't going to solve the problem, so she just murmured, without the slightest hint of argument in her voice. " . . . Easy, "

" I'm ruined, covered in their filth! " He belted again, throwing a hand in the air, one that almost felt as if he was about to hit something. For even that, her reaction was the same; hands gently caressing the space in between them, both to protect herself, and to divert his attention, tone slow and purposeful. " Easy . . . "

Hearing the same thing again infuriated him. He snarled, clenching his fists and jerking back. However, it was able to direct his attention elsewhere, as proven when he snapped his eyes down to his form, watching every nuance and detail that trailed down his chest. A strange horror was fixed in his eyes, the kind you have when your life's been veered towards the worst outcome. To an outsider, it'd seem like over reacting, but the avian could tell exactly why he possessed that face.

He saw a mess that wasn't there ...

It was a built-in error. Always living with him. And, she'd known it from the start. It'd gotten worse just recently, too worse for him to keep it restrained anymore. In those moments, somebody else had to step in to provide him the aid he so badly needed, or else he'd spiral into a chaos that could put even the human workers' lives at risk.

" I'm a mess! I ... I ..." His words had started to finally break. Word by word, he stuttered more and more, failing to provide a semblance of explanation for what he intended to say.

" I'm covered in their filth ... " His ears flattened, eyes dropping low to his feet. His drained features possessed a plead, wide gaze holding a cry for help that couldn't sound itself. Being the very leader of his group compelled him to keep a weak emotion from physically manifesting. The much easy it was for her to cry, it wasn't for him.

Yet, at that moment, it felt like if he stayed like this for longer, he'd break down like a desperate little child. His frame was quaking, hands clenched tight as he stood mumbling fainter and fainter phrases, most along the lines of 'I'm a mess' and 'They've ruined me'.

It was her chance to speak once more when it felt like his vulnerable state would give way to something that'd break his character. Slowly, and carefully, she inched closer, murmuring in a tone that was so quiet and cautious it felt like if it got any louder she'd shatter his very being. " Take it easy . . ."

His ears swiveled when she said that. It was a sign her words had bore fruit. Silence fell upon him as a result, and he just emptily gazed at the leftover ground between them. The panic was still there, however. He was trembling.

His current state melted the female more. She couldn't see him like this. This was the leader of their group, in a mentally displaced position. Something had to be done to alleviate the tension.

Carefully, she extended her hands to press at both sides of his face, using it as leverage to make him look up. The ursine complied, but his eyes didn't—they remained glued to the floor, barely registering her presence. It wasn't taken as an offense by her though, she found it her job to ease him up, be the shoulder for him to .. well, lean on.

" Hey ... " She began, her tone ever so soft. " I know you feel bad that they shut you off and did all that maintenance work, but look on the bright side, " A finger gently stroked his cheek, effortlessly claiming his attention as his face merely turned the direction of the feeling. The avian continued to speak in this time. "... You won't break down so easy. They've made sure of that. "

The remark seemed to leave no effect, but she wasn't giving up just yet. Her words were laded with a caring, supportive emotion, dark magenta eyes transfixed on his lapis ones. " Imagine if your legs broke down in a dusty place, then you'd be worse. In a way they saved you from becoming dirtier. "

That one bore some effect. She knew because she saw his eyes lift a little, now watching her as she spoke. The blaze of achievement warmed her internally, leading her to tilt her head in a smile.

" Wouldn't you like yourself all patched up and hard to damage by the wind? I know I do ..."

She unintentionally waited for an answer from his side, one she knew she wouldn't get. He wasn't in that state of mind to do so. All he was doing was still stare at her eyes, as if they'd trapped his consciousness within.

Eventually, when there appeared to be no progress, the bird's hum lingered in the air as another thought dawned over. Her gaze on the other became a little clouded, before snapping back to the real world when she murmured a tender, " Come here . . ." while moving her hands from his face, to wrapping her arms around him. Gently, ever so politely, as if he was a delicate flower, she'd pulled his almost scalding frame close, hugging him.

There exists a huge difference between the employees Freddy was panicking about earlier, and the bird. The latter is able to hold him, as close to herself as she wants. I guess it's a matter of affection—you adore even the merest brush against one you dearly love.

In this case, his anxiousness regarding filth and whatnot seemed to fade. His eyes brightened at the action, processing the flutter of feelings brewing inside when she'd done it. Hardly a second later he was returning the embrace, his burlier arms enclosing around her as if they were built solely to fit her in between. He let himself be held by the shorter animatronic; leaning onto the anchor of support he had in her form, letting out the heavy burden of emotion inside through a trembling exhale.

They stayed together like that for a while, saying nothing to each other, besides the bird having whispered once a, "I don't know about you, but I definitely think you've never looked this cleaner .." It was an airy amusement, but even then, so lovingly said, that while the bear didn't laugh at it, he didn't seem to mind either. It just paved the path for lightening the mood of the place ...


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