ᘛ Power outage . . . ᘚ

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Chica the chicken

First and foremost, I cannot write angst. That's pretty obvious by how little I write it. It always overwhelms me, and I end up quitting.

This idea I had a few days ago, and I thought, hEY-
We should write iT-

Also, that headcanon I'd posted .. yeah, it's relevant to this, soo-

This shot is circulating around a panic attack, no matter how terribly written, and I'd advise those with vivid imaginations, aaand a severe problem with stories involving panics to .. stay away, nicely.

I don't want people coming at me to say 'You're sicK-' or that 'your writiNg is tRaSh-'

Both those claims are truE, buut-

I've feelingS, okaY- Those don't like being huRt by criticism that ain't even critiCisM-


"It will only be a minute ..."

Those words were enough to evoke a sense of concern in her. She was never the fan of standing around on her own, hence whenever told the one companion that was meant to be with her 24/7 had to to do something and would need to leave for that, most of the times her expressions would be the same --- save for a few times when somebody else was nearby to make up for it.

A faint, worried glint in her eyes as she stared at the cupcake that'd said that. The smaller was standing high on a shelf to be able to level with her height, aware all too well his fellow never condoned he'd go off for even that long; she wouldn't do so right then either. But that was the case, he couldn't always be available despite it being his most important of jobs. That's just the part of being alive.

Even still though, he per usual didn't state that down. He'd very politely told her, eyes soft with an assuring glimmer that the other half-failed to see, and he'd known, when he'd only uttered a, "I'm gonna go check on something-" and the girl had ever so faintly flinched, as though she'd been pinched on a wound that was still sour. She hadn't been able to answer her fellow regarding the matter, just stared his way for as long as she could, before that averted elsewhere with a subtle snort as a vague gesture for him to stay.

But, the cupcake wasn't taking that. He knew what he was onto would hardly take as long as a few seconds, so there's no need to fret. Thus he jumped off the shelf soon after, and right at the female's shoulder, lightly rubbing his little side to the edge of her face as a comfort-invoking action. The other's tense position loosened as a result, but even then there was no verbal reaction.

Shortly after, he paused his act and hopped off to the ground, then looked up at her with a caring, smiling flicker in his eyes before he had went off, managing to only give another reassuring remark of the words, "I'll be back within a snap .." before he'd left...left the other there, on her own ...

Chica watched the smaller leave through the doors of the kitchen, and kept fixated on that portion of the room for a good minute. It was only after that her acknowledgement shifted to the realization of there being silence all around her, that her systems reacted in the negative and dumped on her this, odd, heavy-rising feeling, like if one's breathing would constrict without a reason. She tried forcing it down though, with a sharp exhale she attempted to loosen up again, then reassured herself that everything was alright through a tight, "It's for only a minute .."

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