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Isabella's Pov.

Since John Gilbert's stupid attack I've been checking in on Caroline ever since she was in an accident. She's been taking everything well. Stefan's been checking in on me every now and then.

Now that Katherine has made her move by chopping John's fingers off everyone is cautious. Stefan always makes sure to give me a call wanting to know if I get home safe at night. It's sweet, it makes me feel giddy knowing her cares.

Ever since the dance he's been so admiring and caring it makes my heart swell up with joy every time he even does the slightest nice thing.

I don't think I have ever had something feel so good but be so wrong. I always ignore that feeling making sure to bury it deep in the ground.

Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room at the hospital as Damon talks to Caroline's mom Liz. Matt and Bonnie are having their own conversation as I focus on Caroline's heart beat. I can hear the heart monitor beeping at a steady pace.

I'm so focused I don't even noticed Damon walking to me until he's right in front of me.

" I need to speak with you." He mumbles eyeing the teenagers not far from us and walking off not waiting for me to reply.

I stand up walking after him behind the wall stumbling when he pulls me further down the hall.

"Last night I may or may not have kissed Elena." He says with his uncaring tone. My eyes widen as I look around making sure no one's listening.

"What are you talking about you kissed Elena?" I ask him shocked.

"I was in the moment and I kissed her she kissed back no biggy. I need you to-" I stop him.

"Damon what do you mean no biggy you can't just kiss Elena she's with Stefan do you know how pissed he's going to be?" I whisper shout pissed off.

"Now is not the time to go tattle telling Rapunzel I need you to go-" he stops mid sentence staring at something or rather someone as I turn to look at what he's staring at I see Elena and Bonnie talking to each other.

I roll my eyes as he walks past me to the girls following after him I listen silently.

"She doesn't know how, do you?" He enters their conversation. Bonnie glares to him after giving me a smile.

"No I don't." She states.

"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." He taunts her annoyed she lied.

"Well, I can take down a vampire, that spell was easy to learn." Bonnie taunts him of the memory with a grin on her face, I smile with her a little chuckle leaving my lips.

Damon glares at me.

"I can give Caroline some blood." Changing the subject Damon ask mostly Elena giving her a look.

"No. no way." Elena shuts the idea down immediately.

" No,  just enough to heal her. She will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of her system in a day, she will be better Elena." Damon tries to persuade her.

"I can always stay over and watch her until she's good to go home." I interrupt offering her more comfort. She pauses with a hesitant look in her eyes.

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